Part 5 - Buckys Birthday Surprise

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You woke up next to Bucky. He was still asleep. You had a message from Nat. She said I know your hungover but when you wake up come downstairs. You slowly get up grab some of Buckys clothes put them on and go downstairs.
NAT: Hey Yn do you wanna help blow up some balloons?
YN: Yeah sure
You guys blow up the balloons
Wanda and Vision are in the kitchen making his cake
Sam and Steve are setting up the table
Clint and Thor are putting up banners
Tony is making JARVIS send out invitations for another Stark party
TONY: Someone needs to go wake him up
You panic knowing he's naked
YN: I'll go!!!
YN: Ok
You went up stairs and heard the shower
He pushed the door open only in a towel
BUCKY: Are you ok doll? Where did you go
YN: I went to get a drink but Wandas made breakfast if you wanna come down
BUCKY: Give me a minute to get changed and I'll meet you down there doll
He winked at you
YN: ... ok
You went back downstairs
YN: He said he'll be a second
He walked downstairs everyone was hiding
BUCKY: Yn? Wanda? Sam? Steve?
Bucky jumped and then smiled
Sam and Steve hugged him , Sam wouldn't let go
Everyone gave him a hug and said happy birthday
TONY: There a big birthday party for you tonight of course
BUCKY: Thanks Stark

Yn x Bucky BarnesWhere stories live. Discover now