Part 8 - Birthday present

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You sit on your bed
YN: Happy Birthday Buck
BUCKY: Thank you doll it's been a great day
YN: I'm glad
BUCKY: So since you clearly didn't know it was my birthday does that mean your the only person who didn't get me a present
YN: I actually got you a last minute present
You give him a small box
BUCKY: What is it
YN: If you open it you will find out
Bucky opens it and it's his and Steve's name tags
BUCKY: I can't believe this where did you find them
YN: The museum might now have the ones from the gift shop but they'll never know hopefully
YN: I'm joking I found the actual ones on the old battleground the museums is plastic

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02 ⏰

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