You need me then you cut me down

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You let out a sigh as you get out of the shower and dry off feeling more lonely than you had felt in your life even after hearing the door downstairs open and close knowing that Raquel was home from being on the road. She walks past you to the bathroom making your heart crack as you throw on loose clothes and sit on the bed wrapping your arms around her before being shoved away hard enough that you actually fell off the bed as she says "God not right now" making raquel freeze as you get up feeling the frustration and emotions that had been held in for the past month come out as you stare at her "What the fuck is going on?!" she looks at you with mild annoyance and slight guilt as she stands up "Why do you care?" your heart feels like it had been punched full force as tears brimmed in your eyes "Because I love you and you mean everything to me why wouldn't I?" she groans before hitting her hand against the wall making you jump as she yells "Why can't you just leave me alone and go away!" the tears flowed as you immediately grabbed a bag and suitcase packing some of your clothes, personal effects, and toiletries sobbing as you ran out of the house. She stands still realizing what she had done running as fast as she could stopping in the driveway as you drive off leaving her devastated while you drive until you parked at Damian's house where he stands smoking a joint until he saw your car pull in knowing something was wrong as soon as you got out of the car shaking and crying as he pulls you into his arms bringing you inside where you slowly told him everything after smoking a joint and eating spending the next three days with him not knowing as you slept that third morning that damian and Rhea went to your home where raquel had been trying to call you as she calmed down knowing she had definitely made a huge mistake opening the door only for rhea and damian to see her with slightly swollen red eyes, unkept hair, very sleep deprived, and thinner than normal "I know I fucked up I don't-" the next thing she knew was that she was laying on the floor after rhea hit her much harder than she had felt being hit before "Damn you won't even fight back" she stands back up feeling the stinging burn against her face as tears flowed begging to know where you were as she tells them that everything that had been happening had started stressing her out leading to the strain between the two of you over the past month leading to the three heading back to damian's house where you were sitting on the back porch smoking a bowl feeling your body relax turning when the door opens seeing damian and rhea sharing a hug with her before stopping when you see raquel on the couch. The two go outside on the back porch as she stands up feeling your nerves go out of control "I'm sorry, everything that's been going on has been leaving me a nervous wreck and I never meant to hurt you at all and I never want to ever again just please forgive me I'll take time off to fix things" you slightly shake with nerves before the two of you were holding each other tightly spending the next few days slowly talking and opening up leading to long hours late at night and early in the morning just holding each other "I love you" she melts like putty as she lays on your chest still apologizing for what happened even though she knew that you forgave her and had worked things out together.

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