Chapter Five: Off Brand Gumby And Sharing Is Overrated

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The two stepped into the once-locked room, Y/n letting Tyler go in first while bowing, "Ladies first." they smiled as he rolled his eyes.

The teens walked into the security room and the first thing Y/n noticed was another VHS Tape and a VHS Player.

She walked over to it and examined the blue tape, the title being Grab Pack Training. Y/n slid the tape in and the video began to play.

The VHS Tape plays out similarly to a slideshow, having individual pages for each step. The tape starts with teaching the employee how to properly wield the GrabPack. The tape continues to teach the viewer what to grab and not to grab with the two hand cannons. It specifically states to "only fire at small objects/handles".

The tape continues to take a temporarily dark turn, informing the employee to not fire the GrabPack cannons at any co-worker otherwise it may cause "injury". Although sounding harmless, the tape depicts a dead co-worker laying on the floor. The tape concludes by informing the viewer about the conductive wires before ending the tape by thanking the viewer.

"Well, that was interesting," Tyler spoke as Y/n nodded "No kidding."

Suddenly, a glass window opened up revealing the grabpack, Tyler picked it up and looked at Y/n.

"Who's gonna wear it?" he asked as Y/n shrugged. "We don't have Uno to decide... rock paper scissors?"
"Rock paper scissors."

Tyler and Y/n put their fists out and began to play.

"Rock! Paper! Scissors! Shoot!" they yelled, Y/n throwing rock and Tyler throwing paper, the boy immediately succeeding.

"Why do you always win?" Y/n asked obviously aggravated as he smirked. "Because we've played this game so many times that I know what you're gonna play."

"Fuck you."

"I love you too."

Y/n scoffed and watched her best friend slide the grab pack on with ease before tightening the straps so it doesn't fall off.

He played with it for a few seconds as Y/n glared at him for knowing her attack pattern for Rock Paper Scissors.

"Can I have a turn?" Y/n asked as he shook his head. "Nope. Sharing is overrated." He smirked as he left the room, Y/n following him still grumpy as they found an entrance to the rest of the building.

Using the Grabpack Tyler opened the large door, the door making a loud squeaking noise from all the years of being alone.

They walked through the mini hall and was met with a childhood friend.

Huggy Wuggy.

"He is creepier than I remember." Tyler spoke as Y/n hit his arm. "Be nice! He has feelings." Y/n scolded him as he scoffed. "He's a statue, he doesn't have feelings, Y/n, we're not five."

"Apologize!" She huffed as Y/n hit him in the arm again before he sighed. "I'm sorry, Huggy... better?" He asked as Y/n nodded. "Better!" She smiled as they walked over to another door where they needed a blue and red hand.

But before that Y/n took control and pointed the grabpack at Huggy to give him a high-five, Tyler just smiling and rolling his eyes.

The next one they only needed the one they already had, but when Tyler tried to open it with the blue hand the power went out and the sound of a key jingling rang throughout the room.

The two looked up and felt their hearts stop.

Huggy was holding a key.

"Should we be worried?" Y/n asked as Tyler nodded. "Probably." He answered before using his tool to grab the key that led to the power room.

He walked over to the door and unlocked it and they walked inside, Tyler quickly finding the power source and using his Grabpack to lead the power to the weird poles all the way to the end as Y/n explored the room.

Tyler managed to get the power back on and found Y/n sitting in front of a wall and examining it. "Y/n? What are you doing?" He asked.

"Isn't he wonderful?"

"Y/n? Are you okay?"

"Isn't he wonderful is scratched into the wall, it's faint but it's there." They said as Tyler got close to the wall. "You're right... what do you think it means?" He asked them, their eyes darker than they should be.

"Something bad... we should go home... I don't like this." She mumbled as Tyler worried about his dear friend. "Y/n... let's go, I'll take us home, okay?" Y/n nodded and the two got up and left the room and to their horror, Huggy was missing.

"Huggy? Are you there buddy?" Y/n asked as Tyler sighed. "Fuck this." He said.

The two walked towards the door that the came from and it was closed,unable to get it to open they realized they had to push forward.



I hope y'all had a good Christmas and count this as your present!

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