Chapter Four

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I huffed irritably, pulling my blankets up to my chest. What I had originally thought was just allergies ended up being a little bit more. So much more so that I had to miss school again today. Had I known that I'd be getting a cold today, I definitely wouldn't have skipped my classes yesterday to hang out with Jason. I'm now officially behind.

I had already emailed all my professors, but none had responded yet, so, I honestly couldn't bring myself to care too much. I felt like I had been hit by a bus. My head was aching, and I felt stuffy, I also had a chill that came and went. I don't really know what's wrong, only that I fucking hate being sick. I'd been miserable all day. And it seemed that I was destined to be even more miserable.

I groaned hearing the familiar sound of my window being pushed up. I didn't have to look over to know who was there.

"Hey, ugly." Jason's unusually chipper voice echoed off the walls. I glanced over my shoulder and there he was, with his stupid, handsome face, grinning at me without a care in the world. My room was on the second floor, but ever since we were kids, Jason would scale the tree beside it and climb onto the roof, tapping on my window in an attempt to bother me. I always kept the window unlocked, just in case. I think it's about time to change that.

I turned around, scowling at him. It was pointless to be embarrassed about how sickly and disgusting I looked at this point. We've known each other so long; he's definitely seen me look worse. "Ugh. What're you doing here?"

Jason shrugged, leaning against the window. He waggled his eyebrows at me. "I heard you were sick. Thought you might need some vitamin D."

I curled my lip at him.

"Ew." I wish.

He beamed, eyes glittering at me. "I'm just playing. Seriously though, what's wrong?"

I propped my head up on my arm. "I don't know... I thought it was just allergies, but I don't know. My head feels stuffy. My skin hurts."

He pushed out his lower lip in a playful pout. "Awh, poor thing."

I started to snap back at him when I heard the downstairs door shut. Jason glanced over, a smile spreading across his face as he threw up a hand. "Morning!"

"Jason, honey, you know that you could just use the front door, right?" I heard my mother call up to him. She must be leaving for work.

Jason sighed dramatically, winking at me. "Well, I would, Mrs. Mclaine, but Nick says that I'm not allowed in that way."

I heard her musical laugh, and I rolled my eyes.

"I'm heading to work, so, please be careful up there, Jason. Don't fall again," She chastised, and I could hear her car keys jingling in her hand. "I wouldn't get too close to him; with the way he's been acting you'd think he was dying. He's being a big baby."

I groaned and Jason laughed loudly, turning his playful grin to me. "Wimp."

I sent him a scowl, shivering slightly, and pulled the covers up a little further. After a moment, Jason reached inside and attempted to push the window up. He got it up a little further, I guess as much as it would go, before giving up and deciding that was good enough. "Move over, I'm coming in."


Somehow, he managed to squeeze his massive body through the tight space of the window and started to slip off his shoes. I rolled my eyes and shook my head, pulling the blankets tightly around me. "Are you crazy? Get out of here, I'll get you sick."

He yanked the blankets away from me, much to my annoyance, and despite my protests, slid into bed beside me. I blinked, unsure why I was even surprised at this point, as this was totally on brand behavior from him. If possible, my cheeks felt like they got even redder. He dragged me to his chest, sighing contently.

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