Chapter Three

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I pursed my lips, tossing my magazine to the side. I sat up slightly and reached over Star's bed to her desk, picking up the next one in the stack. The TV was on, showing some movie that I had never heard of, and Star was humming to herself, but, somehow, even with everything going on around me, I couldn't concentrate at all. I had been trying, and failing, to get my mind off what had happened earlier at the carnival. Just thinking about it, I wanted to scream. I felt woozy, like I was going to pass out. Or hurl. And Star was no help. It was all she wanted to talk about.

"I get what you see in him," She mused, glancing up at me from the floor, with the hint of a smile growing on her face. "He's cute. Very cute. Funny, too."

I snorted, flipping through the pages of my magazine. "Yeah. That's what all the girls think."

"Maybe," she said, pursing her lips. She turned back to her own magazine with a shrug. "But you're the one he's sleeping with."

I hesitated, chewing at my lip. I didn't respond after that, honestly unsure how. I mean, she wasn't wrong, but it... it's complicated. Thankfully, the conversation didn't have to carry on any further than that, as the bedroom door creaked open. Star's father leaned against the doorframe, peering at us over his glasses. "Hey, you two. How was the carnival?"

Star peaked up at him.

"It was fun. We rode the tilt-a-whirl and Nick threw up on some girl's shoes," She beamed, cutting her eyes to me. I glared at her. We had only gotten back to her house about an hour ago and she had already told three people about that. Well, four now.

"Do you have to tell everyone that you see that story?"

She nodded and without missing a beat said, "Absolutely."

"Well, that's always fun," her father said with a small smirk. He pushed his glasses up and pushed himself away from the door frame. "I was just checking in on you. I'm about to head to bed. Remember, the door stays open."

His eyes darted between us, and I quickly nodded. Star's father was a fairly intimidating man, so, even though I'm 100% gay, I felt totally inclined to listen. The door stays open. Star rolled over to look up at me, her hair falling gracefully over her shoulder. "Are you staying over tonight? If so, you've got to let me know now, or I'll fall asleep before I make up the guest room. And then you'll be sleeping on the couch."

I chuckled and shook my head, closing my magazine and sitting it down beside me. I slid to the edge of the bed and stretched. "No, I think I'm going to head home tonight. I'm not feeling too hot."

She sat up, looking me over with concern. "Are you okay? What's wrong?"

I waved a hand and stood up. "I'm just feeling kind of stuffy. I think it's just allergies from being outside all day, but I don't want to risk it and end up getting you sick."

She eyed me worriedly but nodded. She pushed herself up and stood with me, putting a hand on my shoulder. She gave it a squeeze. "Okay, but text me when you get home, okay? So that I know you made it back okay."

I gave her a small smile and nodded. I gathered my things and allowed Star to walk me to the door. We made it through the dark house quietly, careful not to wake her parents. I slid on my shoes when we got to the front door and started outside when Star caught my hand. I glanced back at her as she examined my fingers closely. "Your hands are looking better. Are the fidgets helping?" 

I hesitated and shrugged. "I don't know. I guess a little bit."

She pursed her lips and gave my hand a squeeze. Her eyes flickered up to me and she drew in a deep breath. 

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