Issue #0: Meet the Team

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(This chapter is just about what my characters I've added to the story look like. You don't have to read this chapter if you don't care to)

(But I triple dog dare you to read it)

(This chapter is just describing my characters look)

Ok. I'm fine if y'all make fun of my two drawings of my character below, I'm not good at drawing entire bodies of characters just from my imagination. If I look at a picture and draw, I'm actually pretty decent.

Hunter Ravens (the protagonist): It's easier to do this

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Hunter Ravens (the protagonist): It's easier to do this. This is not my art, I honestly don't know who's it is but this is what Hunter pretty much looks like but he's got dark green eyes and he has more hair. Like the drawing below.

I know, it's bad, and Hunters not that wide

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I know, it's bad, and Hunters not that wide. But it's the best I got for what he wears. This is just his outfit he wears to shows. He's got this leather jacket with all the spikes and his Spider-Punk vest with a bunch of variant Spider-Man symbols (think of the different spider logos that each Spider-Man variant has) painted onto the vest.

That's his hair length too.

This outfit is more or less his casual outfit

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This outfit is more or less his casual outfit. Hell throw his Spider-Punk on with it every now and then but the sweatshirt is a sweatshirt that I have and wear. He replaces his laces with light blue ones for Spider-Gwen.

Ok, Hunters description: physical features are dark pine forest green eyes, long dirty blonde hair softer than a chinchillas fur, and his face just screams a lovable "you want to get in trouble with me?" He's a little lanky but it works for him, and he's usually got cuts or scrapes on his arms and face.

He likes to wear long sleeve shirts only, if he wears a short sleeve shirt he'll wear a flannel or jacket over it (or just put a long sleeve shirt underneath it), he wears black pants only with patches or painted symbols, he wears two studded belts with bright red suspenders, he wears two studded bracelets (which likes to stab people with), black boots that almost reach his knees (with various colors of laces), his leather jacket is covered in spikes, he'll wear his Spider-Punk vest nearly all the time, but he does like the look of just a sweatshirt and then the rest of his clothing (the picture above). His pants have a lot of cuts in 'em so he decided to wear thermal underwear that he painted a neon dark blue. His actual underwear consists of many different arts on it. His boots also have spikes starting at the bottom of his ankle to the top of his ankle. His light blue ripped shirt in the 2nd picture used to be normal until Hunters first fight where some guys bracelet cut it up. He'll wear raglan shirts but only with black, grey, various reds & blues (I miss that show), and white colors.

Hunters Spider-Man outfit will be revealed when he "becomes" Spider-Man. And no it won't be bad like the two pictures above.

Next is-

Riley Morales: I guess you can just imagine him wearing clothes Miles wears

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Riley Morales: I guess you can just imagine him wearing clothes Miles wears. But this is pretty much the replacement for Miles, and no he is not that fit.

Next is...

Josiah Gomez: so, he's based off of my friend Josiah, but Josiah is Mexican

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Josiah Gomez: so, he's based off of my friend Josiah, but Josiah is Mexican. But if I'm gonna be honest (and I know my friends would call me racist just to mess with me) this character art does look a lot like him. He's got the same skin tone and his hair looks like that. So, yeah. Josiah doesn't usually wear much besides t-shirts and pants. He doesn't really have a uniform like me.

Above is Hunters Stepdad

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Above is Hunters Stepdad. He's a cool dude, Hunters just being a stubborn !#%@&$ to him. Hopefully they bond by the end of the story.

Above is Hunters Mom-HEY! Yeah, YOU

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Above is Hunters Mom-HEY! Yeah, YOU. Stop thinking that. That's his Mother for Christs sake. She had Hunter when she was young, it's not her fault she's absolutely beautiful. You can see where Hunter got his style and looks.

Yeah that's pretty much it.

Hope you enjoy!

A New Perspective (Spider-Gwen x Male OC): Spider-Man Into the Spider-verse Where stories live. Discover now