Issue #2: Comic Book Intervention

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Later that night

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Later that night...

Hunter rushes to Brooklyn to search for answers...

"I don't take drugs, I don't like to drink, and I know I haven't been drugged or injected with some plot convenient superpowers—" Hunter has ran through the streets of the New York, not realizing he's speeding up.

"This is just a dream, right? I actually am schizophrenic? No—just something tell me this isn't real!"

Hunter pushed into people, accidentally shoulder checking them to the ground without realizing it.

"I'll understand having Spider-Man powers, but Spider-Gwen, Ghost-Spider, Spider-Woman—whichever she is called—she can't be real!"

Hunter kept speeding up, not noticing he had ran into into car lanes.

"She's a comic book character! There's only one Spider-Man! How could I be a hero to people who don't even like me for who I—"


Hunters body reacted on its own, jumping into the air before a truck had slammed into him. He only just realized he was falling back towards the ground right before he had landed boots first on top of a Taxi's roof.

Denting it. The Taxi popped his head out of the window and started yelling at Hunter.

The people nearby who witnessed Hunter do such an incredible feat started murmuring and cheering.

"Crap...I should've been watching my speed." Hunter dashed into an alleyway, swinging his backpack around to pull out his hoodie he doesn't usually wear, he used his recently discovered talons to slice the hood off.

Tossing the rest of the hoodie, Hunter pulled out the tape in his backpack (he rips a lot of clothes on accident most of the time, so he brings tape with him to make sure none it doesn't fall apart before he could sew it back together, and yes he can sew-Editor), and taped his hood to his vest.

He pulled the hood over his head and continued his run to Brooklyn.


A New Perspective (Spider-Gwen x Male OC): Spider-Man Into the Spider-verse Where stories live. Discover now