Though The Forest

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(Again Necro's POV)

After returning Bulbasaur and Shinx on My part samt Skorupi and Ponyta on Scout's own part we mead oure way though the forest.

Me and Scout along with oure partners Piplup and Chimchar continued on oure way to Jubilife City.

Scout had asked Me to have a training battle instead of a normal fight, and Me being new to this didn't know what he meant by that so when I asked him what he meant and what I whoud have to do to help with it.
He told Me that he whoud just show Me what to do and then I could try it out for Myself,

Scout picked out his Skorupi's poke-ball and called his Skorupi out to witch the small purple and blue eyed pokemon appeared on the ground.

"Piplup use bobble beem," Scout called out just before calling out to his Skorupi telling him to use the move Poison sting on the bobbles and I stood by with Chimchar and watched as Skorupi's tail became a clear silver color it had become completely silver before Skorupi started to swing his tail from side to side sending small and sharp purple needles out from it's tail with each swing. I watched as the two attacks came into contact with one another and saw as the sharp poison needles actually countered the bobbles popping them with steady hits, and I couldn't help but gasped at the sight of the purple needles popping the light blue bobbles resulting in some amazing light purple and light blue sparks to fall down like rain upon Piplup and Skorupi.

I won't lie it was a pretty amazing show maybe Scout should actually think about during some pokemon contests?

"Now Necro it's your turn first off call out the two pokemon that you wanna use then have one of them do a long or close distance attack and have the other pokemon counter it with a move like how Skorupi used his poison sting to counter Piplup's bobble beem without dealing any kind of damage to himself or to Piplup," Scout explained while taking Piplup into his arms as Skorupi stood next to him.

"Umm Scout I don't know what if, the attack goes right though and My pokemon end up getting hurt, I don't know what to do?" I said unsure what if I do something worng, what if they don't wanna listen to Me, what if it doesn't look good.

I sat down on the dark colored grass while tears began to show up.

"Wait Necro don't cry, I'll help you it will alright we'll take it easy?" Scout said while I felt his hand on My shoulder shortly after that I felt something try and pull itself onto My lab.
I looked down and saw that Scout's Piplup was trying to accomplish getting onto My lab and I smiled before slowly standing up bending over before taking Scout's Piplup into My arms.

Piplup opened his mouth and began talking
"Pip Piplup Piplu?" He said with a sharp node.
I looked up at Scout in time for Me to see Chimchar node his own head which might surely means that he agrees with Piplup on something?

"What do they even want?" I asked Scout while we watched Piplup and Chimchar talk back and forth.

"A battle?" answered Scout before he took his starter pokemon from My arms and continued
"What do you say buddy? you wanna battle Chimchar right?" He said and to My superise both Chimchar and Piplup each nodded their heads meaning that they both wanted to do battle.

I rubbed My arm, I have never tried anything like to actually do a pokemon battle against someone else before? It was gonna be My very first battle! and My first one going up against Scout?

But was I even ready?
What am I supposed to do?
How do I start and what happens if I lose?
How do I know if I have lost?


What happens if I can't do it right?
Do I lose if Chimchar gets hit?

"NECRO SNAP OUT OF IT!" Scout yelled snapping Me out of My thoughts,

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