A leave of absence

541 11 8

October 15th
Kuoh Academy
Class 2B

Two months, Two months is how long it's been since Issei Hyoudou sacrificed his arm to save the one for whom he cares, Rias Gremory however despite Akeno helping with the issue his arm has only continued to get worse with the entirety of his left arm transforming into that of a dragon and scales being on his arm permanently instead of just his forearm forcing him wear long sleeved shirts to hide the scales from others this all comes to a head when Ddraig contacts him while he's eating lunch alone

"Partner you there?" Ddraig asks

"What is it Ddraig?" Issei asks the dragon

"You need to go, now the dragonification will reach your head within a few hours which is not a good thing" Ddraig says from within Issei's left arm

"Are you sure?" Issei asks staring at his left hand

"Yes, it won't be long before you're fully transformed into a dragon which i wouldn't recommend being around humans for as the last person who transformed into a dragon went on a rampage even more so because you're fusing with me" Ddraig says

"Thanks for the info Ddraig" Issei says getting up from his seat under the tree outside of the ORC building heading for the student council office

Upon arrival to the student council office Issei knocks on the door getting a "Come in" in response

"Hey there Sitri-Kaichou" Issei greets the president of the student council

"Hyoudou? What did you do this time?" Sona asks Issei with a glare

"Nothing but i need an indefinite leave of absence" Issei says

"You wish to leave the school, for what reason?" Sona asks concerned

Issei sighs and rolls up his sleeve showing the crimson scales on his arm to the devil "Please don't tell Rias but Ddraig told me that after i sacrificed my arm it started fusing me with him essentially turning me into a dragon and I'm about to start turning" Issei says telling his story

"I won't tell her but something like that..." Sona is at a loss for words

"I know it's dangerous to thoes around me so I'm going to head for the underworld so that i can't hurt anyone" Issei says scratching the back of his neck

"Alright then allow me send you myself. Call it a thank you from me for helping my peerage during the incidents with Kokabiel and the khaos Brigade" Sona says summoning a magic circle under Issei

"Thank you Sitri-Kaichou, goodbye" Issei gives her a quick two finger salute before being teleported away.

Landing in the middle of an unfamiliar place surrounded by trees and mountains Issei looks around taking in the area around him

"It would appear that the Sitri has teleported us into a forrest surrounded by mountains on the the edge of her family's territory this place should do nicely" Ddraig says from within Issei's arm

"Agreed let's get to work building ourselves a home. Ascalon"

"Blade!" Ddraig says causing the sword to appear out of the Boosted Gear Issei then disconnects it from the gear and uses it to chop down some of the trees

Two long months pass with Issei transforming more and more every day but it didn't stop him from doing things. He started and finished building a log cabin, Trained with Ascalon learning how to properly use it, Picked up magic and a few weapons, mastered his evil pieces and he even learned how to speak with and summon the previous wielders of the Boosted Gear

"The time has come brother" Ddraig says his voice sounding old and worn out unlike what it did before

"Really, Thank you for everything brother rest in peace" Issei says resigning himself a large cave nearby his cabin where he falls asleep atop a pile of gold, jewels and weapons absorbing the last remnants of Ddraig and some power from the Sitri domain. He would wake up a long while later his appearance having changed into one of a large red and orange dragon with golden horns and a teal diamond shaped gem in the middle of his chest

 He would wake up a long while later his appearance having changed into one of a large red and orange dragon with golden horns and a teal diamond shaped gem in the middle of his chest

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"Damn do i feel strong" Issei says his voice having become deeper mith maximum gravitas(if you know the appearance you know the voice)

Exiting the cave Issei visibly towers over the trees around him the gem on his chest being visible above tge treetops. walking over to the lake he had discovered during month one getting a good look at his appearance "Holy crap i look like a badass" Issei says moving his arms and tail around "Okay so what was it that Ddraig said..?"


"Brother when your transformation concludes remember to roar as loud as you can" Ddraig says to Issei

"Why would i need to do that?" Issei asks the old dragon

"Because it'll let every being from here to heaven that a new person has claimed the title of dragon emperor" Ddraig explains

"That makes sense I'll totally do that then!" Issei says

Flashback End

Raising his head to the sky Issei takes a deep breath and lets out an ear splitting roar that shakes the skies letting all know who he is

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