chapter 2

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sorry for not updating that much i'm trying!! and this chapter is pretty short at just under 500 words soz, anyways hope u enjoy and if u have any chapter suggestions or ideas please comment I love to know what you guys think! 

happy reading mls xx

Rori was staring at herself in the mirror for what felt like forever not knowing what to do with herself, but she needed to stop this feeling like this, like a hopeless mess, she needed to be strong.  And no, not for her father, for herself. 

She started by beginning to try to take out her hair from its awful messy bun- not the cute kind it was all over the place. In the end she had to cut the elastic out with scissors, since it was that stuck. 

Once it was out, her long blonde hair laid down her back in messy knots. Rori grabbed her blue sparkly hairbrush and began to brush it out and added a couple hair elixirs to get rid of the knots and back to normal-ish, then hopped into the shower and let the steaming hot water do its job and wash everything away. 

She imagined that all the things on her mind getting washed away down the drain with the water and leaving her mind clear, and it helped. mostly. some things she just couldn't forget about.

After an extremely long shower she got out and changed into her blue level two uniform, did her hair so it hung in loose silky waves and put on some light makeup to cover the bruises under her eyes. 

Once she was done she grabbed her satchel that she hadn't used in months from her closet and shoved her books and all the things she needed into it. 

Then Rori quietly tiptoed out the door of her room to the vortinator, even though the house was huge and there was probably no way Lord Cassius would be on her floor, she didn't want him to see her because he thought she'd already left and she just didn't need to see him right now. It had been easier to avoid him back when Keefe and her mum were home, because he had hardly said a word to her and mostly took everything out on her "disappointment" of a brother. But with him gone and her mother in an ogre prison it had been a lot harder to keep to herself. Most of the time she'd hide on 1 of the 200 floors on Candleshade at random so he had no idea where to find her. Anyways it's been about 2 hours since he came storming into her room telling to go to foxfire and to stop being depressed. 

But the more she thought about it, it didn't matter if he saw her or not because the school would probably notify him that she was late anyways. Ughhhh. She'd rather the school notify him though so Rori wouldn't have to talk to him so she sprints to the Vortinator and it takes her to the 200th floor where the leapmaster is located.

You got this, all you have to do is find Sophie.

She tells herself before she shouts "Foxfire!" and lets the light carry her away. 

I wrote this whole chapter in like 20 mins loll, i'll try my best to update soon merry xmas to u all xx

-eves <33

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