chapter 3

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Happy 2024 everyone! I really hope that everyone has an amazing year! I wrote this in like 30 mins yesterday so sorry if there is any mistakes:) I also switched the story into first person because its easier for me to refer as "I" instead or "her". I forgot to mention this before or idk if I did but Rori is slightly based of off me and I think its really important to write about social anxiety and mental health and to spread awareness<3

happy reading mls xx

Once I appeared at Foxfire the grounds were pretty much silent. I could only hear the sounds of the swaying trees and the gentle breeze that flew through my long blonde hair making it tangle up again, just after I spent hours detangling it earlier ugh!

The silent grounds don't really bother me though because I know that it's only silent because I'm late. And that was both by choice and not by choice. The thing with me is I'd rather arrive late than early- even when Keefe was here- because I don't like the crowds or talking to people it makes me want to throw up and hide and it's even more of a reason now that Keefe's gone and my mother turned out to be a physco, I don't think I can stand all the whispers and eyes on me, I don't know how Sophie does it.

I start walking through the purple grass and making my way towards the giant pyramid building. Once I reach the entrance I go through the corridors to find the level two wing and find my locker. I lick the sensor and thank god it's mallowmelt and it wasn't Elwin's turn today. I yank the door open and find my time table. It's 11:45 am so I see that right now I should be in Alchemy with Lady Galvin. eh no way is that happening the last thing I need right now is another person mad or stressing me out. Since lunch is at 12:00 I just decide to wait in my favorite ditching spot and not get caught. The only reason I'm here is to talk to Sophie. I remind myself. I'll catch her on her way to lunch hopefully so I don't have to enter that room with all those loud prodigies. The truth is the last few weeks have been hell to say the least. I can't stand anything anymore. I feel like everything has gone against me and I'm all alone. With all those thoughts closing in I realize time has flown by a lot faster than I thought. I come out of my ditching corner and glance up at the walk to find the nearest clock.

shit! it's 12:05pm

How the hell did I spend more than 15 minutes getting lost in my thoughts? 

They are not a safe place to be right now if I'm being brutally honest. I'm hoping Sophie is late to lunch, maybe she was having a discussion with her mentors? Wait, maybe she's in the healing center! that wouldn't be surprising considering the things Keefe has told me about Sophie. When I think about it I've only spoken to Sophie once when Keefe had introduced them a few months back. I'm also hoping that I don't run into my friends. I've been ignoring their hails recently, and no not because I don't like them but I'm just not ready to open up yet and I don't feel like lying about where Keefe is, they know me too well.

I decided on heading to the healing center after all to look for Sophie, because I actually like Elwin. He's helped me with a ton.

I make my way through all the twists and turns of the corridors and end up outside the healing center. I take a few deep breaths then slowly enter. I don't see anyone here. Part of me was screaming thank god and the other part realized something.

Sophie wasn't here ...

That means I have to go into the crowded lunch hall to find here a new kind of pit formed in my stomach and I continued to take deep breaths. I do not need a panic attack right now! I quietly tip toe out of the healing center since Elwin is most likely in his office and as much as I want to see him I don't need any pity or people asking how I am, I mean seriously isn't it obvious? I'm in pain. And I also just found Sophie. I deserve to know what's happening with Keefe and whatever he knew that made him join even though I'm probably not ready to hear it and break all over again.

Once I step out of the healing center, I walk down the corridors towards the cafeteria keeping my head down, I want to be unnoticed until the last possible second. Once I hear the chatter of the cafeteria I finally lift my head and scan the faces for Sophie. As soon as people saw me the whispers started and that's when I realized this is the first time I've been anywhere public since the news hit the Lost cities about my mom.

I shrink at all the whispers and intense stares, even when I begin to stare at the floor again I can feel everyone's eyes as if they are boring into my brain. and every time they look at me with that sort of pity in their eyes and some of them are even scared and I can tell they are thinking "Is she going to turn out like her mom?" and that is the reason I will always wear my hair down now. I can't can't stand to resemble her one bit even though part of me misses her but I don't know why.

Just as I was about to think more on the topic I freeze when I see a shadow and hear footsteps come closer.

"Where's Keefe?"

My heart sinks at the reminder but I snap my head up so my eyes meet with an unfamiliar red headed girl who's a year four. Probably one of Keefe's fan girls, I roll my eyes and was about to answer

What? Not happy to see me??

But I was saved from having to answer at all when my eyes met Sophie's, who was waving me over to her table with Fitz, Biana and Dex. I quickly sprinted over, thankful to not have to answer the girl or anyone else's questions. I took a seat beside Biana, and I was across from Sophie.

"How are you doing? You know, with everything?" Biana asked. Me and Biana aren't exactly the closest but we are friends and I did go to everglen with Keefe sometimes to play base quest to escape my house but I usually kept to my own friend group, who probably had noticed me sitting at Sophie's table right now.

Oh well

I shrugged as my knee continued to bop up and down uncontrollably. I would usually reply to that question with a "fine" and people usually believed me. But under these circumstances I knew they wouldn't buy it but I wasn't going to make myself completely vulnerable and weak and vent every single feeling. 100% a nope thanks. Keefe would usually avoid the question with a joke and a smirk and although I am quite snarky and sarcastic I'm not good with jokes so I just told her.

"It's hard but I'll be okay eventually" that wasn't totally a lie because I would, in the future. Elves have a long life span, what can I say!

Biana just gave me a tight lipped smile and added

"Well I'm here if you need anything, I know we've never been that close, Rori, but seriously I'll always listen." Fitz and Dex nodded in agreement. But Sophie suddenly became really silent. She was probably lost in her own thoughts like me and her and Keefe were really close too and she was betrayed by him and the last one to talk to him so she was taking it quite hard I think, I wouldn't know.

"Hey Sophie.." I start. Her head snaps up like she's just woken up from a nap.

"Yes sorry" she rubbed her eyes. Does that girl get any sleep? I mean not that I can say anything I haven't slept in weeks but the pills were doing their job.

"What happened with Keefe, why did he run away?"

Sophie went ghostly pale but before she could speak I kept going.

"I know you want to protect me like Keefe did and not tell me about what he found out to make him join but I need to know, it's killing me, everyday I wonder if it's my fault that he left and I feel so alone and it's so hard and I think I deserve to know." somehow it all kinda came tumbling out every thought about Keefe.

Biana wrapped her arm around my shoulders and Sophie's eyes become glassy.

"Rori, this is not your fault at all. Keefe would never want you to think that. Before he left he told me to make sure you were okay and to look after you and I promised I would, I was just so sad and confused and angry that I just couldn't and then days turned into weeks... I, I'm so sorry." Sophie sucked in a breath like she was trying to get rid of a lump forming in her throat.

"Don't be, I wasn't up for talking either and I'm still not but I need to know a couple things that are eating away at me."

"Mhm?" Sophie asked, letting me continue.

"What did Keefe find out about our mother?"

woah 1600 words I got carried away lol. I'll try to update the best I can in the new year!!

-eves xx (i'm writing this story without Izzy if u were wondering.)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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