the sun

9 1 4

(welcome back to this thing i have no clue i am way too zooted of booze today without further ado  ima try to get sober)

Dabi pov

????: signal our m.o.b. it would be a disappointment if they escaped 

Dabi: the leader of this group o pussies i presume?

if i can antagonize him it might be a good enough distraction so we can go maybe if i can get piss for brains here to make a mistake they wont even shoot us 

????: names Sargent Michael L Dawn and judging  by your burnt chicken nugget appearance and her apparent blindness your names are Dabi and Hinata 

random infantry: sir we have captured the last of the enemy shall we begin extracting information?

Michael: gladly execute a few and make them fear us

random infantry: understood 

Michael: as i was saying when we secure the m.o.b. you two will share any and all knowledge about your master god whatever you freaks call them

Dabi: when he comes he will kill all of you

Hinata was just sitting waiting to run as i notice one thing they stole something that was hidden in the armory an emergency communicator if we could use it we could get reinforcements to storm the base

Michael: well then we will be ready now wont we after all it would be silly to just leave you out here when you could escape 

my heart stopped beating for a moment he caught on quick when i hear a yelp

Hinata: w- what are you doing

i turn to her and see a soldier has a shotgun to her back and is forcing her up i then feel something as i am grabbed by my hair and forced up i am then dragged to some type of truck and am locked in the storage compartment i have no clue what is going on but it is not good

no pov

the duo are then separated and are being taken by the soldiers to different areas as the day is burned and shots are heard the residence of the outpost now tortured or dead 

from the center of the base a flare was shot into the sky as a massive red glow shone soldiers are shoving what's left of the now broken prisoners into trucks as they know what is about to happen 

as the sun completely sets the sound of jets are heard emerging from the clouds as dropships emerge from the sky and start to land they open up and allow vehicles to drive inside alongside soldiers that are not using the helicopters they then fly up only for cables to wrap around the tanks and lift them bringing them to a new location 

Dabi awakens and immediately tries to look for a gap to see what is going on only to fall as a soldier opens the compartment the soldier then pins her as another straps heavy bands to her arms 

Dabi: what the fuck are you doing!?

infantry 1: a precaution cant have you destroying an aircraft now can we 

infantry 2: cuffs that will cancel you powers we developed them after dealing with a gravity user

dabi then gets a glance outside the ship is in a formation with others they looked more armored then the other vehicles before she realized escaping might not be so easy

[armored dropship]

[armored dropship]

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Dabi: where is Hinata? is she on another ship?

infantry2: yes its better to keep you both seperate 

infantry 1: alright no more questions we are almost at the m.o.b.

the soldiers then leave knowing that the restraints will limit her movements due to the weight and her options due to lack of power and being trapped several miles above the ground

on a different dropship Hinata is waiting being held in place by chains being sedated regularly so she cant think correctly she sees how the clouds are morphing making animals and shapes and becoming different colors a medic watching her every move studying her eyes closely 

after what feels like hours Dabi watches as they somehow go higher into the air as more dropships converge into a new formation they seem to be preparing maybe they finally arrived and are about to dock the W.D.O ship then gets a message that she tries to listen to but its barely processed 

she was soon proved right as a massive ship was seen it looked dangerous like it could level the planet any second 

[W.D.O. warship]

it was like a massive city as they enter the docking bay when they land the trucks tanks and others are unloaded and transported elsewhere prisoners are taken to a holding area as Hinata is slowly regaining her senses and Dabi is feeling something...

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it was like a massive city as they enter the docking bay when they land the trucks tanks and others are unloaded and transported elsewhere prisoners are taken to a holding area as Hinata is slowly regaining her senses and Dabi is feeling something she never felt since she became strong


the duo are then placed within a holding cell as they meet again with a certain commander

Michael: get comfortable ladies your gonna be here with us for quite a while

Dabi: FUCK YOU!!!

Hinata was almost fully aware but she felt sick due to the sedatives and did not respond waiting for the room to stop spinning

Michael: well then ill wait for you both to realize escape is now impossible ill see you both soon 

(welp looks like they in trouble now wonder if they can leave? eh screw it tune in next time on dragon ba- oh wait wrong script dang oh well toodles *jumps out a window*)

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