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"You gonna go?" My brother asks over the phone. I told him about Chloe's request for all of us to be in Germany a few days before gio's surprise party to help plan it.

"Not sure." I respond. It could be awkward. Seeing her after so long. What would I even say? We didn't end things well. We're not even friends.

"Why not?" Jobe annoyingly questions.

"Because. I'm busy." I lie.

"Wow. Shit friend you are." He mocks.

"I'm not a shit friend. I'll be there for his actual birthday." I roll my eyes as if my brother can see me.

"You're just too scared to see her. That's why you're not sure about going."

"No I'm not." I deny. Even though he's absoloutley correct.

"It's been a year bro. You've both moved on. There's no issue." All of a sudden my little brothers become wise and I hate it because he's right.

"You're right." I say quietly so he doesn't hear but he does.

"I know I am." He replies smugly.

"Just go bro. It'll be fine." He adds.

I sigh, which is my version of an okay. I start to look for flights as my brother changes the subject and start babbling on about a fight between a lion and a shark and who would win.

I manage to find a good flight price and a good hotel and book it without giving it a second thought.

The doorbell ringing makes me interrupt my brothers intense verbal thought process on his lion fighting a shark conversation.

"Jobe I've got to go someone's here." I say

"Alright bro, let me know how it all goes."

"Will do. Love you, bye."

"Love you too, bye."

I hang up the phone and then stand to my feet walking to the door. When I open it I'm met a smile from my girlfriend standing on the other end.

"Hello you." Her Spanish accent is thick as she walks in, throwing her arms around me.

"Hey gorgeous." I push some hair behind her ear before kissing her gently on the lips.

She smiles into it before pulling away and closing the door being her.

"You eaten?" I ask

"Not yet." She replies, following me to the couch to sit down.

"Let's order something." I place a hand on her knee as she sits beside me.

She nods, getting her phone out to check for the best food. Showing me every now and then. My mind wonders to this trip I'm going on in a weeks time. The reunion is unavoidable. I just wonder how it'll turn out. After all this time, we're back to where it all started.




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Belligoal5 chill night

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username oh so you just cheating on me huh?

username fuck this soft launch we want the harmony hard launch back
username right right
username exactly!

username the hand is white it's over for jarmony 😭😭😭😭😩😩😩
username this is sending me 😭
username nah it's never too late man
username he done reverted back to his white side


username I know it's been a year but I was hoping they'd get back together eventually
username same man

username NOOOOO he's actually moved on 😔

username no no no it's harmony or no one!!

username actually an end of an era now

username I'm actually in shock

username sorry your username makes me laugh eveytime 😭

username Jude no!!!

username you and harmony NEED to get back together

username generally thought you and harmony were gonna get back together at some point 😐

username Judeth who's hand is that sir?

username Jude victor william Bellingham don't make me slap you!
username full govs bc this shit serious
username real talk
username that part!!

— thoughts on Jude and
his new girl????

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