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Jude's not doing too well today. Backs hurting a bit which I was initially worried about when he told me last night, but the doctor said it's normal he's still recovering and some days it's bound to hurt more than others and that he should rest, so that's what he's doing and I'm no longer as worried as I was previously.

Obviously him being as stubborn as he is, he wanted to recover in my room in my hospital bed. I told him if he didn't stay in his own hospital bed like the doctor ordered I'd punch him in the face. He laughed which was rude because does he not think I'm able to punch him? I very much am.

After a lot of back and forth and me giving him the face that will work for a lifetime, he agreed. So now he's in his own hospital bed and we're FaceTiming. It's about midday, my mums gone to get me something to eat. Just her here visiting me today, Aaliyah's at home, got some work to do and Iris is with the kids. Gio and Chloe are coming by a little later I think.

It's about day seven since I've been in hospital and there's many more to go. Bored is an understatement.

"What?" Jude asks seeing my unhappy frown as I look at him on the screen.

"I'm bored." Shrug and roll my eyes a little frustratedly. Been going a bit insane sitting in the bed. Not much I can do with a broken arm, broken leg, a punctured kidney and two broken ribs.

"I can come by?" Jude suggests

I glare at him on the camera.

"You know you need to be on bed rest." Honestly he is impossible.

"Miss you though." He huffs and I try my best not to smile because if I do it'll just encourage his behaviour.

"You'll see me tomorrow, when your back is better." I tell him.

He rolls his eyes but quickly smiles at me.

I peer into the camera staring at my face that's covered with bruises I'm hoping heal quickly. Hadn't really thought about the crash but now that I'm looking at myself, I realised just how bad it was and how lucky I am to be alive.

"You're beautiful, don't even worry." Jude says without me saying anything first. Convinced he can hear my thoughts. Or that somehow my thoughts are his and visa versa.

"Yeah but are you su—"

"I'd bet all my money on it. That's how sure I am. There's no other probability here. Your beauty is a fact." He smiles lovingly and his smile and words just make my heart warm.

"You're so kind to me." I say it almost confused because I am. Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky to have a man love me the way he does. My brain tries to pinpoint exactly how it happened and why. Why me?

"It's easy. Especially because you have that perfect face of yours." He sniffs a laugh.

"This face?" I point at it. Raise an eyebrow in disbelief.

"Yes. That face. That gorgeous, angelic, carved by god himself face. The face that no one can compare to, no one can beat. Best face in the world belonging to the best girl in the world." God I love this man.

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