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"JUDE!" I hear loudly. My peaceful sleep interrupted.

My eyes snap open looking over to my left to see Harmony laid next to me. Somehow we've both ended up in the middle of the bed, my arm around her.

I sniff a laugh, smirking down at her.

"Someone didn't stick to their side." I tease

"My side? You're the one with your arm around me!" She pushes it away, moving back in the bed so she's on her own side again.

"You probably moved first." I tease.

"Yeah you wish." She grumbles sitting up in bed and pulling the covers so they're over her.

I turn on my side so I'm facing her. Head resting on my palm.

"How about you try to keep to your own side tonight?" I grin.

She turns her head in my direction, glaring at me.

"How about I break your neck?" She retorts.

"You're so kind to me." I say sarcastically.

She doesn't respond, just rolls her eyes reaching over to the bed side table to grab her phone.

I smile as I pull the covers back, getting out of bed. I stretch for a second and then I slip on my sliders, walking around the bed towards the bathroom. I make sure to grab my clothes on the way.

I can hear Harmony laughing at Tik Tok videos from the bathroom. Having her own little commentary to herself as she watches them.

She has such an infectious laugh. Lights up and entire room.

I spent a year missing that laugh of hers. Begging to hear it. The laugh that immediately brightened up any dark day I was having. The laugh that I adored.

It was strange not having her near. We had spent so long building what we had. Going from people who hated each other to people that would do anything for one another. I would of burned the entire world down just so she could smile or laugh.

The minute we admitted our feelings we fell even deeper. There was no stopping us. We had waited so long to be together, once we were finally able to, that was it. We went off into our own little world.

We both tried our best to hold onto that world of ours. But it was difficult. And although we struggled, I never thought we would actually lose it. I never thought I'd ever lose her. I was counting on us. She was my one sure thing in life. More than football, more than money and happiness. She was it.

The year apart from her was the hardest moment of my life. I wasn't happy. I didn't feel joy, I didn't smile. All I could think about was her. Because she was my everything. My security, my safe place. Nothing worried me about life and what it could bring as long as I had her.

It's hard to just let that go. To be okay with the only girl that has ever shown you what love is and the only girl you've ever loved, not being apart of your life anymore. All of that safety, security and happiness just ripped away from you.

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