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[y/n first person pov]

beep. beep. beep. bee-

I groaned in annoyance from the constant beeping of my alarm. Punching the "stop" button on my phone, I get up and check the time. It reads 7:30 AM.

 I turn and find my bonnet under my pillow. Bitch can never stay on for real. When I go to the bathroom, I almost jump at my reflection. 

My face looks insanely pale, my scarf is just barely on my head, and my eyes have crust in them. Sighing, I connect my phone to my speaker and play DNA. by Kendrick Lamar. 

"I got- I got- I got- I got- loyalty got royalty inside my dna. Quarter piece, got war and peace inside my dna."

 The music blasts from my bathroom throughout my apartment. Softly rapping along with the lyrics, I start my morning routine.

 I untie my wrap and wince at my frizzy, straightened hair. Plugging in my straightening iron, I crank the heat up to high. I take a tail comb and part my hair in sections. 

"I got power, poison, pain, and joy inside my dna. I got hustle, though, ambition flow inside my dna." 

I accidentally get way too close to my roots, burning the shit out of myself. "Motherfucker-" I hiss under my breath, feeling the scorching pain in my scalp. 

When I finish doing my hair, I put on a quick makeup look. Then, I put on dark wash bell bottoms with a white crop top. I take my red varsity jacket with the number "42" on it and put on my fire red fours, matching the jacket perfectly. 

I grab my tote bag with my school books and wallet and walk out the door. If it was a normal day, I would walk to campus an hour later since I don't wanna get stuck in Brooklyn traffic and its a 15 minute walk anyway, but my friends Imani, Aaliyah, and Estelle wanted to meet up at a breakfast spot before we went to class because "we haven't had some girl time in so long".

I start my car and drive to the breakfast restaurant. When I find our table I am met with Aaliyah's voice arguing with Imani.

"The fuck you mean 'Beyonce ain't all that?" "I mean what I said. She's not that good." "That's cause you have no music taste bi- [y/n]! Settle this debate for us."

I sigh as I sit down next to Aaliyah. "What?" I ask, knowing that Imani and Aaliyah fight over literally anything. One time they got into an argument over Jordans, specifically if ones or fours are better. I don't know if they're actually friends or if they're just connected together by fate.

"Imani thinks that Beyonce's music is ass." Aaliyah explains, staring daggers at Imani. "I never said that! I just said that she is overrated!" They break out into argument again, Imani rolling her eyes as she got her words taken out of context.

I roll my eyes. Estelle shakes her head while shooting me a 'the fuck are they doing?' look. A familiar face emerges from the bathroom area. Judge, Imani's boyfriend comes to the table and sits next to her, giving Imani a kiss on the cheek. 

"Sup [y/n]." The boy greets me with a smile, putting his palm up to signify a wave. "Hey Judge." I say before it clicks in my brain. Imani never invites Judge to do things with all four of us unless she asks Ganke and....

I see a familiar set of cornrows come to our table. I roll my eyes again and scoff. "Why the fuck is Miles here?" I ask, lookinqg dead into his hazel eyes. "Relax, culo molesto. (annoying ass)" "Call me that one more time and I will chop your dick off."  

If you couldn't tell from our heated exchange, Miles and I don't  get along very well. When we first met, I was with Imani because she wanted to walk to class with her friend/soon to be boyfriend Judge. I bumped into him and stepped on his brand new white Air Forces. 

"Hija de puta. (son a bitch)" Miles cursed, looking dead at me. Not even trying to hide what he said. When people usually look at me, they don't realize I can speak Spanish.  Miles is one of those people. 

"The fuck did you just call me, cabrón? (fucker)" I say, kinda shocked that he didn't even try to hide it. "I said what I said, bitch." He answers with a monotone voice, no shame or remorse in his eyes. What the fuck?

"Nigga I don't know who the fuck you are but I don't know why you want problems with me. You wanna catch these motherfucking hands? I guarantee you will be crying to your mama-" "I am so sorry for her Miles." Imani says, trying to save face. " 'Mani, who the fuck is he?" I ask. "This is Miles, Judge's best friend..." 

It didn't help that we had to see each other often because of our best friends dating. Currently, Miles has an amused smirk while looking at me. "Try it, culo molesto." "You are such an asshat." I scoff, putting venom in my tone.

That small interaction turned into a mini argument, with Miles being sassy and me having clever remarks. It's funny how I was just complaining about Aaliyah and Imani. "Respectfully, both of you shut the fuck up." Estelle spoke up, fed up with both of us.

Her brows furrowed and she deeply sighed. Both of us quiet down. Estelle was a kind of mother to our friend group, so when she got annoyed, all of us got scared as shit. "My fault Estelle."

"Hey, ya'll bitches wanna go to a party later?" Aaliyah asked while sipping from her raspberry iced tea. Everyone besides me agreed while I stayed silent. They all started staring at me, waiting for me to answer.

What I wanted to say was 'fuck no, i ain't tryna do that shit', but since I am a people pleaser, that came out as a "Well, y'know we have class in the morning and shit." 

"Bitch cut the lies. Your earliest class is at 11. Just say you don't wanna go." Estelle says, seeing through my bullshit. "What? No I-" "It's okay if you don't wanna go, [y/n]." Judge explains, with sympathy in his dark brown, almost black eyes.

 "Nah, its cool, we all know you don't have a life." Miles comments, smirking, again. Just because he says it, I kiss my teeth. "No nigga, I do have a life and I will go." I snap back, the sass in my voice very apparent. 

Miles doesn't have a response to this and just chuckles. Now see, I absolutely hate parties. The blasting music, the hot and sticky environment, the spiked drinks, the headache you get from the music and the liquor... I could go on forever.

Plus, some shit always happens at parties. Whether it's a bullet fired, a fight..a rape, or getting roofied. Or that's how it is in Brooklyn. Anything could happen.

End of chapter.

i hate you. Miles Morales 42 x black readerWhere stories live. Discover now