Medkit X Asthmatic!Reader

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Sorry for not posting for a long time lol I went of this fandom but I'm going back to writing this week.

Contains Child like reader and stress


Medkits POV ..

Another day another stressfull one. It's nearly 2024 and it's December 24..gosh I get my break probably on the 25th hopefully.. I thought so as I took care more off injured patients from the round. This is boring anyways... I say to myself and paused and saw {user}. One of my favorite patients who si asthmatic. Ah there you are (title name) ! I gave them a hug and they smiled and hugged back nice to see you again medkit!! This probably was the only time I showed my soft side for a patient. Other then that I got her pills as always. Once a week passes I'll have to take her in for her health. I handed her the pills and patted her head before handing it to her thanks med! :) no problem kid ^'^ they say goodbye before leaving. Despite I felt like I started to love them more then just a friend but that's just me.

Yo pov Pookie~🥰..

Everytime is such a bummer.. Luckily I was able to get my health tablets and get to meet my god friend medkit :D oh yeah.. I forgot there's another phighting round this Sunday!. It starts in... 3 MINUTES!?! I got my weapons out and quickly organized them ready to go. I took a pill to calm me down. I waited for the round to start and I started to fight as usual but medkit was in this round which surprised me and they were on the other team which worried me if they will betray me but for now I have to fight the phighters. Take that bish!! XP I eliminate most but got shot by some other phighter and yelp. I managed to fight em off and run behind a pillar. I was wheezing due to my asthma and needed help but the others were to busy. I breathed heavily and felt like I wouldn't make it and saw medkit noticing me but didn't dare to shoot. He looked around to make sure that nobody was there and the coast was clear so he ran to me and healed me. Don't tell anyone about this ok? He trusted me since we know each other and I hugged him which made him blush. Thanks!! :))) medkit helped me up and the round was already over and I walked with medkit and hung out for the day. Before he left he hugged me and gave me one last hug before leaving and then I got into my car and drove to my house. I love meddy hehe:) I said to myself and parked my car in my driveway or garage. I got inside my house and  locked the door. Home sweet home yah I said before jumping onto my bed and getting under my covers and falling ashleep.

Sorry that I rushed it I am going to bed since it's 3 am and yeah! I hope I did better and I will see ya later I guess! Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2023 ⏰

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