Hell's Coming With Me (Merlin)

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They all laughed as he turned around slow.

The king's knights encircled the man with their swords pointed at his throat, ready to slay him where he fell.

He had been discovered to be a sorcerer, and while Camelot's laws dictated that he should be burned at the pyre, King Uther was in a particularly good mood. After all, his son had a new manservant.

"You ain't welcome 'round here anymore. You just might as well go," one of the knights sneered. Another knight with curly, light red hair placed his hand on the knight's shoulder.

The king raised his hand to silence him. "You are hereby banished from Camelot and all her allied kingdoms. Should you be discovered, you shall be executed. Do I make myself clear?"

The sorcerer wiped the blood from his face as he slowly came to his knees. "I'll be back when you least expect it, and hell's coming with me."

In a bright flash and a puff of smoke, the man was gone.

For three years, the man went around to each kingdom telling stories of his time in Camelot. His hatred and yearning for vengeance grew more and more with each story.

There is a hill at the bottom of the valley, where all the poor souls go when they die. And if you listen real close, you can hear 'em like a ghost, and you're never gonna make it out alive.

There is a town at the bottom of the hill. They got a secret that they keep like a slave. They got a black magic preacher, we'd do well to let him teach her, they'll be leading up that hill to the grave.

Nobody knew but him that the "black magic preacher" was the prince's manservant. The boy was powerful, he knew that for sure. He'd seen him once across the courtyard and the sheer amount of power radiating off him nearly knocked him off his feet. How no one else knew amazed him.

At first, he thought the boy was new and had come from a far-off village, therefore, not knowledgeable about Camelot's laws.

However, as the years went by, he'd heard the stories of the brave prince of Camelot and his trusty manservant who never left his side.

He grew to resent the manservant. Why did he get to live peacefully in Camelot, but he'd been banished and nearly executed.

He had a plan; he was ready. He'd made a promise after all.

As more and more sorcerers were burned at the pyre, Lady Morgana grew tired of pretending. Unlike a certain king, she cared about her people. She knew Arthur would never say anything. God forbid he stand up for what he believes. Thought, ever since Merlin had become his manservant, Arthur had definitely grown more defiant against Uther. Hopefully, the king didn't make the connection. Merlin's good for the prince.

A sorcerer had been executed earlier in the day and Uther had asked her to attend dinner with him in an hour. As Gwen helped her get ready, she decided that that was when she would bring up her concerns.

By the time she had entered the dining hall, Uther was there and he'd already started eating. He looked up and took a sip of his wine as he heard the doors slam open.

"Ahh, Morgana. Please, sit. I apologize for not waiting, but I was quite famished."

"That's alright, my lord. I feel this will be a quick dinner, anyhow."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, I have some concerns."


"I feel you raising the taxes on the people will cause an outcry. They are already frightened by the spectacle earlier today and I fear they will grow to resent and fear you. It's not like you need any more money."

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