Chapter 10 . .

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Klay . . . 

"Klay man chill." Steph pats my back, it was halftime and we were leading. We had about 15 minutes of the half left before 3rd quarter. "You think she'll like it? Maybe she doesn't like attention like that." I sit down sighing. 

"It's Emerald, she loves attention."he chuckles looking at me. "Now get up and be a man." I laugh standing up as he pats my back. 

I walk out into the center of the stadium as Steph hands me the mic. I automatically spot Emerald and Skye stuffing their faces in popcorn and glaring at their phones. The crowd roars as I stand in center of oracle arena. 

I smile out at the crowd before speaking, "Alright guys quiet down." I raise my hand as the noise begins to go down. Soon both Emerald and Skye are looking up curious. "Okay so I have an announcement." I take a breath and continue. 

"So recently I met this amazing girl, right?" I hear some 'ooo's' erupt from the stands. I smirk "She's probably one of the best people I've ever met. She's smart,funny,has a beautiful face." I pause "And body, but we've been talking for some time now and I want to officially call his girl mine." I look around meeting eyes with Emerald exact. 

"Her name is Emerald." I smile pointing to her as the big screen finds her in the audience. "So Emerald what do you say, will you be mine baby?" she blushes as Draymond ( Draymond Greene ) hands her a mic "W-well - " she pauses causing everyone to sit on the edge. "Of course Klay." she cheeses as the crowd roars. Soon the word 'Kiss' is being chanted in all directions. 

I watch her go red as I walk up to her, wrapping my arms around her thin waist. She smiles "Well give the people what they want Thompson." she smirks, causing my to chuckle before leaning down kissing her. 

Skye . . .

"I mean I thought we had something, but I didn't expect for him to actually label it. Klay's such a quiet person, I would of never expected, it was so c-" I cut her off hearing this same exact speech for the 100th time that night. 

"I am extremely happy for you and you're new relationship, but some of us are still single and just got out a relationship." I chuckle as we wait for Klay and Wardell outside the warriors locker room. "Oh right, my bad." she smiles giving me a nudge.

They come out the locker room, Klay smiles as him and Emerald link together. "Good win you two." Emerald smiles looking up at Klay as his arm snakes around her. They truly did look happy. 

"Thanks Emerald, isn't tonight you guys last day in Oakland?" Wardell ask walking next to me, which makes me feel like less of a third wheel. "Yeah but we'll still be here in California, just up in LA. There's a football conference talking about the draft." I smile tucking my hair behind my ear. 

We walk out to the reserved parking lot,I inch toward my own car. "Oh Skye, you can head back to the hotel if you want. I'm riding over to Klay's" she smiles trying to lightly ease the fact she was ditching me. Luckily for her I understood, "Yeah yeah, get out of here love birds." I smirk as they retreat to his car. 

"And then there were two." Wardell looks down at me, grabbing my wrist. "Wardell, shouldn't you be somewhere else? Like in bed, or a shower?" I laugh at my shower remark. "Maybe if you were in the shower with me." he mutters lowly, I snap my head blushing "What was that?" I look at him and he reverts his eyes.

"Nothing nothing. You hungry? We should get something to eat." He smiles "I don't know I'm pretty tired Ward-" he cuts me off with his gaze "Oh no don't tell me I'm gonna get rejected again, like the first time I met you." we both laugh. 

"I guess, I can muster enough energy to get something to eat with you." I cheese. "Alright good."

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"Oh my God, you sound like you were such a stupid baby!" I feel my gut tighten as I laugh harder. "Look, stupid is a harsh way to phrase it." He playfully glares at me,causing me to laugh yet again taking another and last bite of my food. 

We had been at the restaurant for hours, it was a little before closing time as we walked out toward the parking lot. The awkwardness was finally beyond us not mention that intense kiss still lingering in my mind, I could really see me and Stephen having a relationship. Everything about him was just great and a turn on. I started to find myself admiring him.

He walked me toward my car, "Since I was going to be in LA next week I was wondering maybe if you wanted to mee-" I find myself getting cut short as a ringtone blazes through my ears. I look down thinking it was my phone, but it's not. 

I look at the ID on Stephens phone. It read 'Kayla' followed by a heart and a picture of a surprisingly pretty girl.  "One second Skye." he backs up answering "Hello? Yeah whats the problem? Sick still? Do you want me to come over? I mean I just got from a game but its fine. Yeah I'll bring you some Chinese. Okay bye ba- bye Kayla." he hangs up smiling.

I feel a wave of emotions rush over me, "What were you saying? Sorry about that." he smiles looking down at me. I meet his eye contact, trying to with hold tears that I felt slowly deveploping. Who was Kayla? Why did it matter if she was sick? 

"Never mind, it was nothing. I need to get going, I have to be at that conference early." I smile, and I hope he can't tell its fake. He starts walking away seeming to be in a rush. "Alright I'll check you later Skye." he gets in his car pulling off as I find my self still standing in place, getting my thoughts together. 

I slowly make it to my car, leaning against the the steering wheel. Maybe I took that kiss the wrong way. Or maybe I didn't. All I know is that for some reason I was wishing I was 'Kayla', being sick in bed waiting for Curry to rush to my side with my favorite Chinese and be at my aid.  They do say karma can be a bitch. Maybe I deserved this for being an ass to him earlier. 

I whisper to myself before starting the car to pull of. "Bye Wardell."  

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A/N: So this chapter starts off very dry but I hope you feel some type of way about the end. Not much to say but Comment and Vote. OH, and Thanks to everyone who's reading this, I have 2k reads and 100+ votes! This might seem kiddy to some but I just am really grateful lml. But yeah, I hope you like and tell me your thoughts.  

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