Chapter 12 . .

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Emerald . . .

I sigh reading over Skye's text, for the past week she has been a wreck. I reflect over our interviews and how out of it she seemed. I hated seeing her like this, I had no idea who this Kayla chick was but I was sure going to find out.

Walking through the mall with Klay, it was bitter sweet seeing how this was my last day in California, "Klay can I ask you something?" I look up from my phone seeing him inspect a pair of sneakers in the DTLR. "Yeah shoot baby." he looks over his shoulder while holding the shoe in one hand.

"Have you ever heard Stephen talk about someone named Kayla?" I tap my fingers along the bench I was sitting on. Klay quickly turns all the way around. "Uh Kayla? Nah never heard of a Kayla come out his mouth. Pretty sure I would since I am his bes-" I cut over him. I could tell he was easily lying.

"Klay stop lying, just tell me." I pout leaning on his shoulder. He bites his lip before speaking, "Okay okay, Kayla and Stephen have a complicated relationship." He shrugs putting the shoe back into the box. "Complicated how? Explain please." I follow him as he heads to the cashier, I was a persistent person.

"Stephen loved Kayla, long story short she cheated on him. He took her back after he blew up last season, she cheated again. He said he was over it, but recently he's been talking to her. Nothing serious. Shes a money chaser, I try warning him but she has a hold on him." he shrugs paying for his shoes. "Why does it matter?" he looks at me, wrapping one hand around my shoulder.

"Skye and Stephen were out at dinner or something and apparently he got a call from Kayla and left Skye hanging. I think she's really hurt, and I hate seeing her like this." walking in unison he kisses my forehead. "Well I'll see if I can pry anything out of him later. When was the last time Skye talked to him?"

I think for a minute "I'm pretty sure she's been ignoring him since you guy's last game." he shakes his head in a nodding motion as we head out the door.

- - - - -

I continue packing my bag, and Skye's bag as she slumps onto the edge of her hotel bed. "Come on Ky, you've been like this all week long. You didn't even try to shut me up when I literally talked about me and Klay for about 3 hours." I chuckle hoping that'll bring some emotion out of her. It doesn't.

I sit next to her, she looks at me. "I'm sorry Emerald." she gets up and zips her bag up before sitting back down next to me. I pat her back as she slugs on my shoulder. "Boys can be pretty stupid, Stephen doesn't see what he could have right in front of him." I shake her "Now get up and be a big girl so we won't miss this flight."

I stand up, and for the first time in a week she finally smiles. "Thanks Em, you're the best." she chuckles grabbing her bag by the handle. "I know I know. No need to tell me what I already know." We both laugh grabbing her bag.

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|| 1 month ||

Skye . . .

The NBA season was finally over, the Warriors had won and were officially the Champions. They celebrated with a parade that I respectfully declined when invited by Klay and Emerald. Now here I was in my apartment, the summer setting in. Work had died down with the lack of sports this time of season, soon I'd be covering the summer Olympics which were always a favorite.

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