Chapter 3 . .

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Emerald . . .

"Cheese!"I smile to myself as I snap my selfie in my car alone. I have issues, chuckling at my own thoughts I hop out my all black 2015 Camry locking the doors. Humming to myself as I walk into the restaurant. I told Skye I'd bring some food by her hotel room and we'd eat together. I look over the menu, Oakland has some of the best food I swear. "Klay , Klay! Sign my picture please!" "Harrison, Iguodala! Just a quick picture?!" I turn my attention toward the loud yells that I can't quite make out. There's a large crowd gathered toward the back of the restaurant around a booth. I walk closer to see what the fuss was, it was late at night and I had changed my clothes from my work dress earlier not wanting to be noticed by viewers. I make my way through the now and growing large crowd, my heart races as I see in the center at his booth accompanied by his fellow teammates. Klay Thompson. I smile about to spark a conversation would be difficult with all the people. There was no use, I snap a picture of them and send it to Skye To:Skyeee , Look who's here! (; I lock my phone reverting from the crowd to go order my food. As much as I wanted to have a fan girl moment my friend was waiting alone for food that I said I would have to her 30 minutes ago. "Yeah can I get a number 4, no pickles and a number 6 with everything on it. Plus two small fries." I look over everything making sure I got the order right. The cashier rings my food up and tells me my total as a scramble through my MCM bag looking for my wallet. "Sorry I have a lot of stuff in he-"I was cut off by a deep voice " Here you go" I see a hand pay my bill, before looking up at 6'7 inches of pure heaven. Klay Thompson. I snap my self from my wonderland trying to stutter out some words for a sentence "Oh - um you didn't have to do that I could of easily pay-"cut off again by him "Nah its fine, it was the least I could do for such a beautiful woman like yourself" He smirks looking down at me, I feel my cheeks turning red through my thin line of foundation. I smile showing no doubt all 32 teeth like a idiot "Thank You, that means a lot coming from the incredible Klay Thompson. " I playfully respond, while they worker hands me the bag with my food. "I wouldn't say incredible, but that means a lot coming from . . " he lets his voice trail off chuckling "Oh right my name, Emerald , Emerald Smith" I smile moving my braids behind my back. "Well that means a lot coming from the gorgeous Emerald Smith." I laugh at his compliment. Beautiful and Gorgeous all in the same conversation? Anything else and he'll have me melting. "Well, it was amazing meeting you! I have to get back to my friend. I kind of left her hanging." I softly smile meaning every word I said about it being amazing meeting him. "Yeah same here, I'm um having a party tomorrow. If I could get your number, maybe if you wanted to drop by." He holds out his phone with the contact app open, reluctantly I take it putting in my number. "Sure, I'll have to run it by my friend though. I don't live here in Oakland, I'm here for work." I say handing his phone back, not giving too much information away about the description of my job involving ESPN. "Alright, well if shes as nice as you then I'm glad to have you both their." He smirks giving me my phone back that I also gave him. I nod turning to walk away " Emerald, its a pool party so be sure to pack a bikini" slightly yelling as I walk away smiling. Watching him return to his table with his fellow teammates. I make it back to my car, freaking the hell out "Emerald, Klay Thompson just gave you his number. You just got Klay Thompson's number. You have each others numbers. He invited you to his party. You were invited to Klay Thompson's PARTY." I squeal like a school girl, before realizing my passenger window is rolled down. I chuckle rolling off before someone hears me . .

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I knock on Skye's hotel room door waiting for her to answer. "Finally! It took your ass forever I swear. Sitting over here dying while you take pictures of a few basketball players." She lets me in snatching the bag of food from my hand. "It wasn't just any basketball player Skye! It was Klay" I swoon placing my hands over my heart. As she begins to eat I tell her about him and how he gave me his number and the invite to his pool party. "What makes you think I'm gonna go?" she looks at my questionably leaning against her head board. "Because you're my best friend and I need you there for moral support." I pout looking at her, she laughs "You're something else, I hope you know that. Fine I'll go. But we can't stay forever. Our flights leaves at 10:30 tomorrow." She begins to turn herself into a cocoon in her hotel bed. I nod "Yess! You're they best Ky. And why do he have a night flight anyways. Makes no sense." I get up preparing to go into my room for the night. "I don't know, but what I do know is that I'm tired. It's been a long day. Goodnight Emerald." She rolls onto her side. "Soon maybe you'll be calling me Emerald Thompson." I smirk leaving her room before she can say a smart remark. I go next door to my room looking down at my phone as it quickly vibrated. Sitting on my bed I look down. Klay: The address is 3450 Centerwood. Can't wait to see you there, should be fun. I smile to myself putting my phone on the night stand beside my bed. Tomorrow should be the best . .

A/N : Welp , that's chapter 3 . I hope you guys liked it. I'll probably be writing a lot today . I had stuff o do earlier but it's donee. I wanted to introduce Klay and Emerald and show a possible connection. Key word possible lol. And above is the "selfie" that Emerald took so you can get an Idea of her looks while you're reading. vote and comment I really want to know what you guys think.

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