chapter 1: Good luck

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"Lycée Voltaire is getting ready for another school year

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"Lycée Voltaire is getting ready for another school year. For the first time ever, this institution will welcome 12 girls. It is a next step in revolution for France. It will bring a new dynamic that's detrimental to education. Boys will learn how to behave and girls will learn how to be more sophisticated. Cheers to France!"

TURNING DOWN THE RADIO, I started to get nervous. I was trying to distract myself by listening to the songs playing on the radio until they were interrupted by the announcer's voice reporting the news that brought me back to Saint-Jean at first place.
Saying that I wasn't excited about attending a new school was a lie, and studying with boys normally didn't make me nervous, as I was used to it because of my old school in Paris. But when it came to being one of the only twelve girls at the small town's first co-educational institution, the feeling was different.
I was adding the final touches on my makeup. I had just applied a pinkish blush alongside the same color's lipstick, mascara and powder. My hair was still tied up with rollers, and I was wearing my favorite dress in a faint color of pink. Normally, I wouldn't dress up so much for school, but on this occasion, the first impression would be permanent.
As soon as I considered myself ready, I let out a long sigh, analyzing myself for the last time in the mirror and putting on my low heels, making my way to the house's first floor.

I wasn't surprised when I found my father already dressed in his suit for work, reading the newspaper while he waited for me. He would drive me to school, as we lived far from the town center.
My father slowly lowered the newspaper, looking at me curiously, and with a curt nod, he stood up. I watched his movements very carefully: he put on his shoes, then put on his blazer and, finally, picked up his briefcase. When he opened the front door, I knew that was my cue to leave the house.
"Please, don't draw negative attention. Is your first day. And if you get in trouble, you know what will happen" My dad warned me as he unlocked the car. I gulped, nodding in response, I already knew that very well, I didn't need to be warned. Any slip up and I would be put in the Catholic girls' school at the end of town. That was a nightmare. Before moving to Paris, I studied there for a few years, and I'm grateful every day that I didn't go back there.

Fortunately, in just 10 minutes we reached my destination. I don't know if I could last another second in the uncomfortable silence inside the car. And for a moment, the tall, rusty gates of Lycée Voltaire didn't seem so scary. Well, until I got out of the car and came across its true size. If I wasn't nervous before, I definitely was now.
"Genevieve" I composed myself as soon as I heard my father's annoyed voice "I'm late." Stated bitter, as always. I just agreed, apologizing in a whisper, and before completely closing the car door, I was surprised by the man's words: "Good luck." And with that, he disappeared in the black Rolls Royce.
My back was turned, but I could already feel some curious looks, and for a moment of pure cowardice I almost ran back to my house. I tried to distract myself by occupying my mind with thoughts like, "How many girls will be there? Do I know any of them?" I also wondered if I knew any of the guys who studied there, after all, being the mayor's daughter made me somewhat 'famous' in town.
When I was about to walk through the gates, I saw a blonde, blue-eyed girl who was about to follow the same path as me. For a moment I was mesmerized by her beauty. She looked like the Hollywood actresses in the magazines I used to read back in Paris. I felt shy in her presence, she was completely confident, as if the eyes around her didn't bother.
"Hello!" My voice came out in a strange, high-pitched tone, so I coughed, composing myself. "It's a relief to see you here, I thought I'd go in alone." The girl just smiled with a brief wave, apparently she wasn't one for many words. "I'm Genevieve, what about you?" I smiled friendly "I'm Annick. Annick Sabiani." She returned my smile. Something about her told me we would become friends in the not-so-distant future. Which was a relief, since I had no company.

Side by side, we entered the school's courtyard, and it was as if the world had stopped. All the laughter and loud conversations fell silent, and all eyes were on us. For a brief moment I was scared, thinking there was something wrong with my appearance, I tried to fix it by fixing my hair and brushing my skirt with my hands, but that didn't stop them from continuing to stare at me. Annick held out her hand for me to take, as a form of comfort, which I wouldn't deny at the moment.
They seemed mesmerized, as if they were looking at a divine being. Paying attention I heard some whispers "Is that the mayor's daughter?" "They look like they came out of Hollywood" "Try your luck with the blonde, the brunette is mine." God, they were pathetic! They acted as if they had never seen a woman other than their mother, and I felt so exposed it was as if I was naked.
It was painful to walk with all the looks that seemed to pierce my skin, and the whispers and giggles were even worse.
I allowed myself to briefly look at some of the students and couldn't help but notice that some were very handsome, especially the ones older than me who already looked like men. But a boy caught my attention, the way he looked at me was a little intimidating, as if we were in a forest and he was a hungry lion and I was a little deer on an unlucky day. I started to analyze his appearance, he wore round glasses and his hair was longer than the other boys; in Paris, I read in a magazine that it was fashionable in England and that girls loved it; Well, I couldn't lie, he was really attractive. Next to him sat two other boys, probably friends of his, but they didn't catch my attention like he did. When my eyes went up to his face again, I realized that my 'brief look' wasn't as brief as he had noticed. On his face there was a smile, but I wasn't stupid, it was more like a devious smirk, almost as if he was saying 'I got you'. I quickly looked away, feeling even more intimidated.
I noticed that there were already some girls in the courtyard, in small groups. They probably already knew each other. But I wasn't interested in making conversation. Thank God, the alarm went off, signaling that classes would finally start.

so this is officially the first chapter!!!
i know it's short, but there's still a lot to come
i was very unsure whether or not to actually release this story. i watched the show for the first time last year and practically no one knew it, so when I saw how famous it was becoming on tiktok i was sooo happy.
this is my first story and i really hope that you like the development.
happy christimas eve as well!!!

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