Meeting Your parents

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Your and Sebastian relationship has been good from strength to strength.You have been on lots of dates and stay over at his a couple times and now come the bit you have been dreading your parents meeting him .

It's Sunday morning and there is lots of noise coming from downstairs you hear your mother shouting at your father your sister complaining about it not fair she can't stay over at her boyfriend but you can . Your brother on the other hand is sat on your bed with you playing with Lexie .

"Why is everyone shouting downstairs? I don't like it" Luke looks at you frowning you look at him and puts your arm around his shoulder and gives him a bit of a hug "I know you don't but you know what mum likes when it comes to having visitors over she over in to overdrive"

"But why though I don't understand " he cuddled into you a bit more " it's just the way mum was brought up that all " .  Lexie leans forward and puts her hand on Luke's knee as she tries to grab his t-shirt to pull her up. Luke helps her stand up "look she standing" just as Luke says that Lexie falls into him. " She needs some practice at that don't you madam " Luke passed her to you  give her a kiss on the cheek then stand up " do you want to see her laugh " Luke nod with excitement. You walk to the end of the bed then gently throw Lexie in air couple of times . Lexie giggles then you lay her on the bed you're just about to tickle her when your phone goes off .

You take it out of your back pocket and answer it "hello"
You hole one finger up to Luke to indicate that you will be one minute "could you just give me minute thanks"  you put you phone to your chest "luke why do you go and set the PS4 up downstairs and me and Lexie will come and play a game with you" .Luke climbs off your bed "what game do you want to play ?" He stands by the door "umm how a Lego game Lexie seem to like watching them" Luke nod then rushes off downstairs you make sure he is gone then close the bedroom and continue your phone call .

A few hours later your sat in the living room with your dad ,Luke and Cassie you have all been banned from the kitchen. "So Y/N umm this umm bloke you have been seeing" you look over to you dad " what about him?" Your dad shifts in his seat " well you know you have been seeing him for a while so" . Just then Cassie but in" for god sake he wants to know if you have sex with him and if your careful " she rolls her eyes then goes back to her phone.

"Cassie that not what I meant but" you frown in disguise" oh dad really ?"
Your dad takes his glasses off "look you know I love Lexie very much but " . Just then the doorbell goes and Cassie jumps out of her seat "I'll get it " you jumped up quickly and push her back in to her seat "No you want I'll get it and for your information dad yes I am very careful " you walk off to answer the door.

You open the door to find Sebastian standing there  dressed in his blue trousers, Nike trainers ,white t-shirt and his leather jacket and his hair tie up in a man bun.
"Hi" you smile at him "sorry I'm a bit late I got stuck in traffic" you let him in "it's fine dinner not ready yet" .

" I got you these "he hands you a big bunch of roses " ah seb you shouldn't have they lovely thanks " . " I also brought something for you mum and dad " he passes you a two bottle bag one.

"Seb I told you didn't need to do that" you place the flowers and the gift on the bottom of the stairs. " I know but I was always told not to turn up empty handed" . You place your hands on his chest " your sweet you know that" Sebastian smile at you the you give him a quick kiss and lean him into to the living room.

" Seb this is Cassie, Luke and my dad " your dad stands up from his chair and walk over to seb he put his hand out to shake "I'm Henry" Sebastian sake his hand "it's lovely to meet you  Y/N told me lots about you" . Cassie looked up from her phone her eyes go wide when she sees Sebastian she quickly jumps up from her chair and rushes out of the room and up the stairs"Cass are you alright?" She shouts "yeah I just need the toilet" you stand at the bottom of the stairs and shout back" could you check you check on Lexie for me please and if she's awake could you bring her down "

You mother walking out of the kitchen in her apron " what with the shouting?"
You pick the stuff from the stairs "I was just telling Cass to check on Lexie oh Sebastian here by the way"

"He's what ! " She rushes off back into the kitchen as you walk about into the living room" seb got you this dad " you pass him one of the bags. He opens it and pulls out a bottle of expensive whisky " you can come again thanks" Luke walk over to have look " what is it dad ?" He show Luke the bottle " it whisky mate you not allowed it until you older" .

Your mum come walking into the living room " mum this is Sebastian oh and he got you this " you give her the other bottle bag "Ill be back in a minute just going to put these  flowers in to some water you leave the room as your mother  pull out the bottle of wine and it quite shocked at what she see "Wow that very kind off you Sebastian"

"Y/N said that the kind of wine you like " you walk back into the living room "Oh you do listen then " he smiles at you as you sit next to him on the sofa.  Cassie comes  walking back into the room in different clothes she now wears a low cut top with a mini skirt Everyone stares at her "what" she says as she  sit back down where she was sitting.

Later the evening during dinner "Y/N come and sit back down your dinner getting cold " your mother shouts as she give Lexie a bit of soft broccoli to eat/play with . "This is really lovely meal " Sebastian take a bit of his food "That's one thing my wife does best is cook" your dad smile proudly at your mum . " Yeah it was either this or beef wellington but I thought chicken would be best " she take a sip of her wine .

"Well either would of be great" Sebastian dig back in to his food. You walk back in to the shaking Lexie milk bottle in your hand .You sit back down next to Sebastian and give Lexie her bottle Sebastian whispers"are you ok?" You whisper back "I will tell you later ".

" Sebastian Y/N Tell us you have not long finished filming your new film" your father looks over the him " yeah I was in Atlanta for 6 months" Cassie start to play with the ends of her hair" I bet you where playing a big hunky guy who saves lot girls". You frown at you sister as she bites her lip at Sebastian

Sebastian takes a big sip of his wine" I can't really say much about so" .

Late that night you have just settled Lexi down for the night when there is a knock at your bedroom door "come in" Sebastian poke his head around the door " you mum said I can come up" he walks in and closes the door " I would come back down but she is not settling" .

Sebastian walks over to you and sits beside you on the bed he put his arm around your shoulder and you rest your head on him " you where very quiet at dinner what wrong?" You sigh "I got the part and the flat".
Sebastian lifts your head off him "That amazing sweetie"he kisses your forehead then looks confused at you" but why the long face? " you shrug" Im just not uses to things going so well in my life and I'm scared something going to go wrong".

Sebastian lifts your chin up with his index finger " well maybe  time are changing and things will stat playing out the way you want".
" Yeah maybe " Sebastian rubs your cheek with his thumb "no maybe about you deserve some good luck and good change in your life"
You smile as Sebastian leans in to kiss your gently then the kiss turn more passionate you rap your arms around his neck as he lay you down on your bed .
You start to giggle as seb nippes and kisses your neck " Sebastian stop my parents are downstairs" he lift his head up to look at you "I haven't heard them word for a while" you both start laughing.

A little later you're standing outside saying goodbye to Sebastian "so you have met my family it's not to late you still have time to run off "
" Me run nar I'm with you till the end of the line"
You raise one of your eyebrows "did you really just quote your character from marvel" Sebastian leans his arm on the roof of his car and put his hand over his face in embarrassment "I might have done yeah" you giggle then remove his hand from his face you lean in to kiss him on the lip he place his hand on you waist " I better go back in " . Sebastian kiss you again then get in his car and roll the window " you still coming on Thursday?" You bend down to talk to him"yeah I wouldn't miss it for the world " .

Sebastian starts the car engine and put his belt on
" well then I see you Thursday " you smile and nod " yeah see you then text me when you get home" he nods then drive off .

You walk back into the house to see your parents standing near the stairs "I don't want to hear " you smile " what he wonderful I like him and so does your dad"

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