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*Take place after part 25 on titok*

Lexie is now three years old and you have moved in to a bigger house in New York life has been a bit stress full with you ex David sticking his nose in where its not wanted . You have ended up in hospital due to collapsing at you mum and dads house.

It the next day and you sat up in bed picking at your food that you have for lunch , when there a knock at the door "come in " you push you plate forward on the table. Seb walks in holding hands with lexie "MUMMY!" she lets goes of Seb hand and rushes over to you then try to climb on the bed "hang lexie " Seb pick up lexie on gentle sit her on your knee . Lexie turn around so she is facing you she then rap her arms around your neck tightly so she is giving you a hug " i miss you to but dont hug to tight mummy cant breath" . She lets go then lay her head on your chest you stroke her hair then kiss her on the head . Seb give you a kiss then pull a chair up next to your bed then sit down " so what have the doctor said ?" . You yawn " not a lot you where yesterday so you know what coursing the sickness " Seb sit back in to his chair " have they given you anything for it ?" .

"umm yeah they gave some anti sickness tablet and they want to keep me in for a few more day just to see how i get on with them " Lexie lifts her head off your chest then frowns at you " come home mummy" you brush some hair out of her face " I will do when the doctor say i can " Lexie pull a sad face then snuggle back in to your chest . About an hour later Seb walk back in to your room to find lexie sat on you bed much on apple " hey cheeky that was mummy apple " lexie give Seb a cheeky smile as he tickle her under the chin " where is mummy anyway ?. Lexie point to the door across the other side of the room " toilet " a few second late you come walking out with you hand on your tummy " have you been sick ? " . You look up at Seb " no i was busting for a wee " you sit down on the edge of the bed Seb hand you a bottle of water you smile at him as you take it from him "right lexie come on we promise nanny would have dinner with her today " lexie groan " but i want to stay here with my mummy " . You turn around to see her lay on your bed you tickle her tummy and she giggle " i will be home at the weekend " she sit up and move to the edge of the bed next to you " you promise ?" you nod then put your arms out to her for a hug and she raps hers around you .

A few hour later Seb is sat at his mum dinning table flicking thought his phone he signs " something wrong ? " . He looked up to see his mother placing a mug of coffee in front of him " it nothing i thought Y/N might have texted that's all" Seb mum sit down next to him " im sure she will she probably asleep". Seb give his mother a small smile and take a sip of his coffee " now are you sure you dont want me to take lexie tonight i dont mind?" Seb shake his head " it fine you had her quite a lot recently but thanks anyway " . His mother get up from her chair " well im always happy to help " .

Later that night Seb has ended up falling asleep on the sofa lexie come creeping downstairs and in to the living room . " Daddy?" she stand next to the sofa with tears in her eyes Seb wake up when he feel her poke him in the chest " Oh hey what wrong sweetie?" . Lexie bust in to tears as Seb sit up on sofa " i want my mummy" Seb pick her up and gives her a cuddle " i know sweetheart i want mummy as well" . 

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