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   It was Michael's birthday . Even at that day, no invite card was given to Mica . She behaved like she never cared but deep down, she wished she was there . That was when she started hating herself . She knew she didn't get invited because of her eyes . They were red . She regretted the fact that she was not a complete human. A half-human, half-monster was she . No matter how hard she tried, she could not behave as a human. All what she got was a human body but her blood was that of a monster. She never got the chance to sleep like others, because she was a monster . She had to endure pains upon pains and pretended to be fine but she wanted to make friends, go out on dates, get drunk like others but who would like to make friend with a scary personality? What guy would prefer to date an incomplete human? Apart from not being human, she had arrogance. She never bowed to the wishes of others but always thought she was right . She wanted to become human but she guessed it's all a mystery. No one wanted to be close with her. How awful and scary she must had been! But still, she should had been cared for, still, she should had been pitied. It wasn't her fault that she turned out to be such a creature neither was it her mom's fault. She lived a lonely life . But, still, she was hated, never given freedom to speak and looked down on. She was helpless !

    The party came to end . The next day, people talked about how interesting it was . Even Zaire went to meet Mica then said . "Should I tell you how it went?"
  "I never asked" she replied.
Then without hesitation, Zaire started to speak:

"Yesterday, it was my crush’s birthday. So we all planned a nice birthday party. He asked all of us to come to his house a day before his birthday. It was supposed to be a small tea-party with a few friends and family members. As he is the eldest in the family, he asked me to come and help him with the preparations.

We went to the market and bought the necessary decoration articles. We decided for a few minutes on the food and other things with his father. We also ordered for the cake from the bakery his father asked us to.

We both were really excited, as he was turning 16 this year. I decided to go straight at his place after school to help him with the decorations. I had already kept my clothes there, so dressing up was no problem.

On our way back home from school, we collected the cake and the eatables that we had ordered the day before. Then we hurried back home. We quickly had our lunch and headed for the drawing-room. We changed the table-cloth, cleaned the room and started with the decorations .

We decorated the ceiling with paper buntings, bells and stars. We below balloons and hung them all over. Doing that was great fun as some of the balloons bursted while blowing and others refused to stick to the wall. While I was blowing the balloons, he quickly wrapped the return-gifts. We placed floating candles on the table where the cake would be kept and then put an extra table to keep the eatables.

Next we spread out the disposable cups, glasses and plates. The snacks were laid out in the dishes. The sweets were kept in the kitchen along with the snacks. The wafers were kept on the table itself. Cold drinks were kept in the refrigerator. Almost everything was ready by 3:30 p.m.

The party had to start at 4p.m, his mum had also returned by then. She was very happy to see us .
Lastly, we placed a few extra chairs and dressed up quickly. The friends started pouring in as the time neared. By 4:20 p.m, all had reached. We decided to play a few games first so that by then his dad could also return from his office and be there with us as the cake was cut. We played musical chairs. It was a great fun. The winners were given small prizes too. All were glad and seemed to enjoy.

By 5:30 p.m, his dad had also returned back....So at 5:45 p.m., we had the cutting of the cake amidst a lot of clapping and singing of the birthday song. His mum had brought in the cake beautifully placed in a lovely platter and the knife too had a bow tied to it. He proudly blew out the 17 candles, made a wish and cut the cake. He then gave the first piece to his parents and then the cake was served to all the guests present. The gifts too were given at this time. His dad was busy clicking the photographs and the cake looked beautiful with the floating candles, fresh flowers and soft music.

The snacks were served after this. I helped his mum to serve the eatables in the paper-plates. Meanwhile my friend and his younger brother served cold drinks in the glasses. Another of the friend put in some nice dancing music. We all ate with great joy and later on danced till we all could stand no more. It seemed we had rocked the entire colony. We also served coffees to the younger brothers and sisters of our friends. They too had great fun. At around 6:30 pm, we all decided to leave.
   We thanked my crush and his parents for a wonderful birthday party and went back home, all contented and glad. And that's the end" . She narrated as if she had put the whole party in her head . No surprise tho, she was smart.

"Never mind . I'm probably gonna get sick . Oww, you're really something ." Mica replied as she walked away. She was jealous and wished she was there.

"Hey . It's Mr Walker again. Why's he here? " Amanda said to Zaire .

    "Hello everyone . I hope you're good..." he said.
   Everyone looked surprised. "Was that really him giving complements ? This isn't right . Something is off" Zaire whispered .

   " Well, I'm here to announce to you that there will be an organized party full of pump for teachers on Thursday . So, none of you is expected to come . Not even a single person. Taken?" he continued .

    It was going well but at the mention of teachers, all faces frowned except Mica's .

  "Fine Mr Walker, in one word, there isn't school ?" Mica said .

    "Yeah, that's what he said . Just why talk?" Jane shouted.

    "Watch your mouth girl. Else I'll kill you" . She replied .

   "Who asked me to come here? Worst class !" Mr Walker said as he left .

    " Why're you two always arguing ?" Michael said out of a sudden .

    Mica could not hold herself . That was the first time he would ever interfere into her matter but before she could say anything, Jane, who also had a crush on him said, "she's scary, you know . Imagine her threatening that she would kill me. So scary ."

     "It's fine Jane . Try to behave matured next time", he said .

   "Hey Mr Michael . That's rude . You mean she's matured but I'm not " she replied fuming with anger forgetting he was her crush .

   "Well, I'm not sure . Maybe" .

   "Hey . You piece of shit! I'm Mica . Don't try that with me . I'm smarter than you think ."
"Okay, durhh"

"Mica, are you that mad that he didn't invite you to his birthday party ?"

  "No I'm not . Why would I? Get lost!"

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