Christmas chapter: Spending time Speedrunning gifts

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Iska Pov

I sat there alone in the control room raising my coffee for a toast

"Merry Christmas everyone"

I then looked the left desk where I usually process some papers

"Are you also having fun there....Keiwa Nii San Sarah nee chan...?" I then looked at the picture frame of us three in a water slide

"Good times...I wonder if your proud of what I've become"

Unbeknownst to me was Tsumuri standing there with a Assistant elf outfit

Tsumuri decided to stop herself from knocking the door

I'm going to cheer him up it's Christmas day now!

I then began to discuss plans with the GM riders

And then we just have to cheer him up....

Few hours later we saw Iska Sama exiting the control room

"MERRY CHRISTMAS ISKA SAMA!!!" Behind me was the two GM riders dressed up as elves while comically trying to shake the bushes we took from a garden

"Come let's celebrate Christmas!" I gently grabbed his hands and the two GM riders opened the door for us

"Thank you!"

I then presented him a feast

"Uh... Tsumuri we can't finish all of this"

"Don't worry about it"

We began discussing our funny stories and occasionally tickling each other

"S-stop it Tsumuri....I -cant breath ahahhahahaha!" I  ended up lying on the floor being tickles by Tsumuri

"Oh right Gamemaster let's become Santa Claus for a while!"

"That's a good idea actually..."

And we then suit up and began to open the door and was greeted by fellow elf costumed GM riders

"Let's commit trespassing delivering presents!" Tsumuri yelled in enthusiasm

"Aren't we still going to be arrested?"

"We can't be arrested if they can't even believe what witnesses saw" Tsumuri winked at me and we began to ascend using the GM Riders as a reindeer and began to speed run delivering and trespassing houses...I'm pretty sure we hit a fat man riding seligh while being carried by 5 reindeers with red noses....that's definitely not Santa


*Kopsh* "I'm still surprised you could breath in this dense altitude" Tsumuri said amuse while holding an oxygen mask

Oh right...we were so high up in the sky that no normal person could breath due to how dense the pressure is and how dense the air here

"You could say I owe it begrudgingly on my brutal teacher....but I guess it pay off" I looked down in sadness not wanting to remember those days again I then feel a comforting hand on my shoulder

"They don't deserve you Iska Sama"

"Your right Tsumuri just like how I don't deserve them but let's drop the subject we're here to celebrate Christmas!"  And so we began to deliver present in every country.... definitely no silenced witnesses during giving kids gifts and definitely... didn't trespass houses and eat cookies and drink their milk....

Merry Christmas everyone and Hope you have a good evening

Author Kun signing off

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