chp10:Wisdom of a betrayed master

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Author Kun: I'm starting to think this book is getting more and more loose when it comes to plot...and I'm concerned about that I think about it...this books plot is...pretty underwhelming don't you think...?...idk why I'm even writing a chapter right now even though this book has a lot of set backs and probably some unexplained be honest...I ask myself...why am I giving some random characters and Chaldea more screen time than my oc makes me also question my decisions too and I also questioned myself why did I feel like I made my protagonist like an emo depressed ruler...I genuinely had some good ideas but for some reason everything seems to not go as I plan...And I feel lost on what to do on this book other than the fact my oc protagonist of mine already has his fate sealed since the day I started writing before I transformed my Oneshots into a cluster fuck of a book

Artoria pov

I Opened my eyes and I was not in the room I was given but instead I was in a dream cycle...master Experienced this sometimes... In front of me was a recorded Memories of my master....

"A king must hear the voices of it's people to ensure a strong bond and loyalty a king who only thinks of defending it's country without trying to hear or relate to peoples concerns is nothing more than a king who will be betrayed in the future!" He voices his own wisdom to me when we were still contracted

"Kings should not always be strict and powerful sometimes they should also show emotions but that's just my own opinion hahahaha!!!" He scratched his head awkwardly

"A king who seeks to rewrite her fate and to deny her Destiny as a king is another form of weakness in my book to me they are weak...they are weak to accept they're failures rather than to move on and face failure they opted to rewrite them...I forgot who said this but failure is the best way to learn and to improve " he advised my saber self who was furious

Now that I think about it he may be a mana less master but he was someone who has advice when it comes to kings

I once asked him how can he be this knowledgeable at the same a novice when it comes to giving advice

"It's all thanks to you I admired you through the books my mother used to read I studied your history even though some could be faulty or slanderous but I genuinely respect you but your leadership and ways to unite the kingdom is abit fragile behind the scenes of your castles countless nobles and high ranking officials probably is scheming to overthrow you during your time on the throne in the end your own "son" betrayed you having the backings of the nobles who was scheming behind your back in the end...your kingdom failed....your knights kills each other Lamorak had been killed by Mordred Traitan wants to kill Lancelot for sleeping with his wife Gawain killing his younger sister... While Morgan was enjoying the Kingdom getting torn from the inside..."

"Ill only ask of you as my Loyal servant and if you do that in return I'll be loyal to you my King" he then kneeled in front of me strength on those eyes that speaks strength and strong will to serve

"Will you become my knight master?" I asked him

"Anything for the king" He smiles at me, the smile that radiates warmness like the sun similar to Gawain Loyalty similar to Agravain and most of all potential  friendship similar to Bedivere

It all changed due to my treachery

"Master don't leave us I'm sorry I didn't stay loyal but-" he raised his hand in exhaustion

"Your similar to Lancelot...a traitor to the King's trust...I find it funny how someone who wishes to see King Arthur because he admired her was nothing more than a servant who betrayed his trust to his people...I Kings have feelings..."

"Because if they do have feelings then they would've known it's kingdom has been secretly been famined due to ignorance"

That was the last time I saw before he dissapeared into the night

Author Kun: this was supposed to kick start the final arc or something...but I ended up not feeling it right now author Kun signing off....

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