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A/N: chapter seven = shit goes down

Week 3
A few days went by, and after school each day I waited for Luke on my porch, and met him there. We became alot closer, at least as close as someone could become in a few weeks time.
"Let's play 20 questions." I blurted, out of know where.
"Sure." Luke giggled.
"What are you most afraid of?"
He seemed to think about this alot.
"Growing up."
"Where are you from?"
"What is your favorite thing to do?"
"Look at the sky," he blushed. "Dumb."
"No, cute." I chuckled. He blushed again.
"What do you hate in life the most?"
"Where is your favorite place?"
"An airplane or my bed."
"Uhm, what is your favorite color?"
"I can't think of anymore." I smiled. "At least any good ones."
"I never can."
"So why do you like airplanes?" I asked, leaning back on my bed, shoulders only inches away from his.
"You get to be above the clouds for a while," he sighed. "Your phone goes off, people stop talking, time freezes for a while. You go to sleep, and wake up on the other side of the world."
I sighed. "Yeah."
"I've only been on two in my life, one of which I remember."
"That sucks,"
"It does."
There was a period of awkward silence, where there was just nothing. It was even worse because of the incredibly small amount of space between us.
"Do, do you hang out with be because you feel bad?" He asked.
"What? Hell no. Honestly,"
"Oh. Anyway it's my turn to ask you questions."
I realized how many times he had changed the subject around, but shook it off.
"Where is your favorite place to be?"
"Favorite color?"
"What is your favorite thing?"
"Waking up late in the morning." I giggled. So did he.
"Favorite move?"
"Mean Girls."
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes, reallly. Why is that suprizing?"
"Have you ever seen the second one?"
"Yes sir."
"Lucky shit," he laughed. "I still haven't."
"Sit your ass down, Hemmings, we are watching Mean Girls 2."
Set up netflix, and shut the lights off, crawling carefully back onto the bed around Luke. I put the laptop between us.
"Have you even seen the Human Centipede?" He asked.
"Oh, we're watching that next time."
I smiled, although you couldn't tell in the dark. The beginning credits started, and before long I was sleepy. My head started slipping down the headboard, eventually hitting Luke's shoulder. It startled me awake, but he didn't say anything about it, so neither did I.
About halfway through, Jo said something funny. I felt Luke laugh to himself, then cough a little. I didn't think much of it.
"Soo, Centipede tomorrow?" He asked, limping out onto the deck.
"Bet your ass." I smiled. "Bye, Luke."
He waved and clicked off the deck.
"What a good kid," my mom smiled. I rolled my eyes.
"He is almost eighteen, mom,"
"I know," she sighed.
We sat out on the deck, talking about school and gossip as flies tried to eat me alive. It was clear out, and mostly nice. I leaned back in my chair, and closed my eyes for a while.
"Lauren," my mom asked. "Lauren, wake up,"
"What?" I groaned, rubbing my eyes. As they adjusted, I made out flashing lights, all coming from Luke's house. "What happened?"
I didn't listen to my mom telling me to sit down, all I thought was anything could have gone wrong, this kid is a weakling, so I ran like hell. The grass scraped my bare feet but I was too worried to care.
After crossing the street, and slowed down, and knocked gently on the door, which Liz opened quickly.
"Oh, dear god, Lauren, don't worry," she smiled. "Everyone is fine, don't look so worried."
I shook my head. "Why are they here?" I asked, pointing to the ambulances as I caught my breath.
"It was just an athsma attack, really, everyone is okay, come inside,"
I sighed stepping through the doorway. Infact, it was the least chaotic scene involving ambulances I had ever seen.
The had Luke on the couch, some inhaler thingy on his face. He waved, but the paramedics made him stop.
I nodded.
"It's late, go home, Lauren."
"Is he going to be okay?"
"Yep. They might take him over to the hospital tonight to make sure he is breathing okay but he will be home in the morning."
"Okay," I nodded.
"We would call if anything went wrong, so don't panic," she laughed. "Goodnight, Lauren."
"Night, Liz," I waved to Luke, who was already out cold.
The next morning, I woke up late. My body was too tired to get up.
After forcing myself out of bed, I got a new message on my phone.

Luke: hi laur I didn't get to see you after last night so goodmorning even though it is 3 am now. After you eat dinner tonight come over because I wanna talk to you.

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