Prologue - Tsukasa

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Tsukasa had awoken to his alarm blaring, he himself hadn't gotten that much sleep as he spent the majority of the night planning out ideas for the scheduled show they had planned. He immediately felt his stomach rebelling against his own will, in short; he would admit he hasn't eaten since daybreak, yesterday. He got up feeling groggy, forcing himself on his feet. He figured this would just be another day. Since they were on break he could finally devote himself to their upcoming shows as of now; but he was dreading it quite a bit. Sure, while he enjoyed playing their shows for their audience, sometimes it just drained him of a lot of his energy; therefore he was just exhausted. Though he figured he was just being overly dramatic over the entire ordeal, he put on his best expression of what a true star would look like, the opposite of exhausted while also being enthusiastic. It would also make it less suspicious for Saki if he did end up running into her along the way. He decided to get himself ready before he had decided to show up at the Wonder Stage, where they have performed plenty of their shows; and possibly even shows for the near future. He couldn't say he was excited for the future as he didn't just want to assume what exactly would happen in the future; so you could say he was dreading it quite a bit.

If something were to disturb their experience for entertaining and spreading laughter among their audience, it would ruin his entire reason for even participating in this entire group. Ever since he saw Saki smile in what seemed like forever, he felt dedicated to spend all his time in putting up many of the shows they have presented to many of their audience members; and he was willing to do that all over again. As much as he probably dreaded future shows and the stress involved in creating new ideas; all he really wanted was to spread happiness and laughter among the audience, and so he considered himself a star. But sometimes he didn't think he was the star he proclaimed himself as. In fact, sometimes he found himself a nuisance to the group, thinking he weighed them down; he felt as if they'd be better without him on numerous occasions, but he'd never bring himself to admit anything of that sort to his friends. Of course they'd deny it, but he thought that they'd just have pity towards him; he didn't want that.

So instead of making himself admit that, he chose to keep it within himself. As he finally got himself ready to leave; he looked on the table which had food left on it, probably for him. He looked at the door and back to the food, he didn't want to waste Saki's food, but he also didn't want to eat it. So instead he brought it with him, perhaps to share with Rui since he had quite the dislike for vegetables. He knew how Rui often made exchanges for their lunches, oftenly Rui having a vegetable sandwich he was quite unwilling to devour; so instead he offered an exchange with Tsukasa with his sandwich with his own food. He accepted every time, even after insisting to Rui that vegetables were in fact; good for him. But Rui described them as something else, and so Tsukasa felt bad and allowed the exchange to happen. And so he put the food in a lunch box he always brought everywhere, then allowed himself to leave for the Wonder Stage; this time ready for more of their ideas for the next show.

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