Chapter One - Rui

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Rui had started his day off pretty steady, although he ignored the fact he hadn't really slept due to him working on his inventions for the upcoming show, he by now was used to his unnatural sleeping schedule. Whether it was sleeping in class or even on the bus; Rui was always able to make up that time for him not sleeping one night. Naps were basically normal for him at that point, and he never minded where it was; just so long as he was sleeping even if it was for the littlest bit of time. Despite that, he had gotten up and out of his chair feeling refreshed even after he hadn't gotten too much sleep. He did his daily routine of getting ready, and checking in their group chat for any updates.


Wonderlands x Showtime

Rui: Is there anything specific we need for this show?

Tsukasa: HAHAHA, funny you ask! We just need ideas for our next upcoming show!

Rui: So we don't particularly don't need any of our equipment?

Emu: Well if Tsukasa insists! This will be a wonderhoy show!!

Rui: Well, if you truly insist Tsukasa-kun.


Rui had turned his phone off, he was quite convinced that this show would be their next best one; and so his face formed a cat-like facial expression. Surely he can try his newly made inventions on Tsukasa as he had proven he would try just about any of his inventions just for the sake of the show. To say he was glad school was closed for the time being was an understatement, he could now invest most of his time into his new inventions for their new and upcoming shows; and he would be proud to introduce them to Nene, Emu, and especially Tsukasa. Though he mostly leaned against getting Tsukasa's approval; as for the reason why? He didn't know, he just knew that he wanted to deeply impress Tsukasa on many different levels and in different ways.

He decided he would bring one of his smaller inventions with him even after Tsukasa said nothing was particularly required for this meeting; he figured he could at least showcase one of his smaller inventions with the others, carefully placing it into his bag. He didn't want to accidentally misplace it to where it could make it easier to break; he loved all his inventions, especially with how much time he had invested to create them all. He'd be devastated if even one of his minor inventions were to break down, but what he also didn't want was his inventions to unintentionally harm people. As much as he tested his newly made inventions on Tsukasa, he had always dreaded accidentally harming him in any way; after all he was their star. He smiled at that thought, though immediately brushing it away; when had he started thinking of Tsukasa? It was quite odd for him to say the least, so he chose to ignore it.

He grabbed his bag and left his room. He had grabbed whatever lunch was in the fridge and stuffed it in his bag, he could worry about the food later; however, he was excited to say the least to see his friends. More especially being Tsukasa, he had started feeling some sort of way around Tsukasa; but he had never been able to pin whatever it was. Perhaps it was just his mind messing with him in some twisted way. Though that still didn't let him think any less of Tsukasa, after all they were quite close if he had to say so himself; he wouldn't change that for the world. And so he had left his house, heading for the Wonder Stage where he could reunite with his friends once again.

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