Chapter Four - Tsukasa

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Their group had just separated for the day as their time had run out, and no one was really willing to stay, especially after creating their rough draft for their next show. However Tsukasa had stayed behind to further review the scripts as he wanted to memorize everything. They had made copies of it, however he’d feel more comfortable with rehearsing over them at no other place; the Wonder Stage. What seemed like minutes quickly passed by within the seconds as he had started to rehearse his lines. They had already designated the playing roles of their show and that was one of the reasons he liked their small group; not only were they beneficial, but they were especially artificial and efficient with their work. They were able to quickly form new ideas and to quickly set up the scripts.

Despite the number of the group being consideringly small, they all worked together with no difficulties at all. Tsukasa just had to show his appreciation for each of them in his own special way. Although despite them being efficient with that categorized stuff, they had often struggled with the roles and following the script which was understandable in its own way; which is when they usually had to make quick adjustments to said script. As Tsukasa reread everything in their current script, he saw something that was quite intriguing. There was a part where his role and another, that of which being Rui, had a particular kissing scene involved in it.

His face was unreadable in that moment as he had tried to figure out who had added that into the script, to where he remembered Emu suggesting it to which Rui happily agreed with. As he came to that realization he panicked quite a bit, there was no way he was about to kiss his crush just for a role in their next show; though at the same time, he didn’t think it was entirely a bad thing… Though he had never had his first kiss, he was quite excited to say the least; which was a first. Normally he’d be nervous with the idea of the smallest bits of intimate interactions, this case was a little different to say the least. Even despite the fact that it was with Rui, he figured he’d at least need some practice with that before he would even lay a hand on Rui. But it would be quite embarrassing to ask Rui to practice kissing him just for a role, what if he thinks wrongly about it? Tsukasa just let out a sharp sigh, though his stomach syncing in with the sigh as it protested with a loud and painful grumble.

Tsukasa had barely registered when the last he had eaten was, surely it wasn’t that long ago? So instead of listening to his stomach's needs, he again decided to ignore it even despite its protests for the satisfaction of food. He was denying his own bodies needs, and that’d come back to haunt him soon. After attempt after attempt, he finally felt as if he memorized the entire script. Of course, he’d only memorize the more important lines, that of which being before his own lines and what’s after; but for once he was satisfied with his performance, so he obviously decided to take his leave for the day as the others had done what had seemed like minutes ago. And so he packed his bags and left the Wonder Stage for another day.

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