A Better Path

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Davion had sent Dario and Grey Worm on patrol to find any sign of the Sons of the Harpy under the queens orders. When they were successful, a council meeting was held

"Sons of the Harpy, they want to put a collar on my neck." Mossador said. "On all our necks. Please, your grace, you must kill him."

"It would sent a message." Daenerys said.

"I think we should exercise restraint, your grace." Ser Barriston said.

"He might have valuable information," Davion said. "If we kill one of theirs, they might go into hiding and later strike again when we cannot see them. Nothing would be accomplished because we'd only be back to square one."

"The Son of the Harpy has no valuable information." Dario Naharis said.

"How would you know that?" Davion asked.

"Because I questioned him." Dario arrogantly said.

"And the information that he did get is young and free." Hizdahr said.

"He is born free." Mossador said.

"Why should he want to bring back slavery?" Hizdahr asked. "What did it do for him?"

"It made him rich and powerful over another man. It made him bold enough to sleep with another man's wife and it made him mad enough to butcher children." Davion spat and Hizdahr looked down trying to avoid Davions glare.

"The only thing that gave him pride was knowing that there was someone lower than he was." Daenerys said.

"They pay him." Mossador spoke up. "Great families afraid to do a thing. They pay poor man to do it for him."

"And how do you know this?" Hizdahr asked.

"Everyone know this." Mossador said.

"I don't know this." Hizdahr said. "And I'm from a great family."

"We do not know what this man did or didn't do." Ser Barriston spoke up. "Give him a trail at least. A fair trial. Should all the citizens of Mereen that you're better than those who dispose you. Teach them a better way."

"I do not know the place from where Old Ser comes." Mossador spoke up. "Things maybe are different there, I hope, but here in Mereen before Daenerys Stormborn, they own us. So we learn much about them or we do not live long. They teach me what they are." Mossador looked at Hizdahr. "Mercy, fair trial, these mean nothing to them. All that they understand is blood."

Daenerys looked at Davion who was quiet for most of the meeting. "Do you have any thoughts that you wish to share on this Davion?" She asked.

Davion was torn. He wanted to be as honorable as his father's old friend Ned Stark, but he also knew that the masters only spoke one language, but the thing that tore him up the most was he needed to protect Daenerys.

"Mossador is right." Davion said. "The masters speak one language. When I was fighting for their entertainment, many of them paid to have me dead. I had even seen then try to poison my water. They deserve to die. The Sons of the Harpy deserve to suffer." He looked at Ser Barriston and sighed and then looked at Daenerys. "But, your grace, we should build a better Mereen. The people need to know that there is a better way. A better path. You are the rightful heir to the Iron Throne and once the people of Westeros flock to your side, they will need you to make decisions that won't make you happy, but that would make your Kingdoms that you wish to rule, thrive in peace and prosperity. Start here. Start with Mereen."

Everyone in the council room was surprised by what Davion said. He had every reason to hate the masters, but here he is counseling restraint to the queen. Ser Barriston wanted Davion and Daenerys to rule together now more than ever. Perhaps if he gave Davion a small push, but Ser Barriston also knew how stubborn he was.

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