Love and power

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Kings Landing

Cerseis chambers

Jaime burst into Cerseis chambers full of worry and fear. He remembered his battle with the Dothraki, Volantene army and Daenerys' dragon. They were slaughted by the dozens.

"How may men did we lose?" Cersei asked.

"We still haven't done a full counting." Jaime said.

"It's not armies that win wars." Cersei said. "We have the Tyrell gold, we have the Iron Bank behind us. We can buy mercenaries. Not the same as our men, but they'll fight of they're well paid, which they will be."

"I just saw the Dothraki and Volantenes fight." Jaime said. "They'll beat any mercenary army. They'll beat any army I've ever seen. Killing our men wasn't war for them, it was sport. Her dragon burnt a thousand wagons, Qyburns scorpion fired bolts bigger than you. They couldn't stop it, ans she has three of them." He walked closer to Cersei. "This isn't a war we can win."

"So what do we do?" Cersei asked. "Sue for peace. I sit on her father's throne, the father you betrayed and murdered, and in her mind she's winning. What sort of offer do you think she'd make? Maybe we can count on Tyrion to intercede on her behalf, by a way of apologizing for murdering our father and son." Cersei said.

"He didn't." Jaime said.

"You saw the crossbow, you saw his body." Cersei pointed out.

"I'm not talking about father." Jaime said. "Tyrion didn't kill Joffrey. He had nothing to do with it."

"After all this time, it still amazes me that you-" Jaime cut Cersei off.

"It was Olenna." He said. "She confessed before she died."

"And this was before or after she drank the poison, you so kindly provided her?" Cersei inquired.

"After." Jaime said.

"And you believed her?" She asked.

"If you were Olenna, would you rather have seen your granddaughter married to Joffrey, or Tommen?" Jaime asked and this made Cersei think. "Which one would Margaery have been better able to control? Which one would have made Olenna the true ruler of the Seven Kingdoms? She was telling the truth."

Cersei sat down on her chair. "I shouldn't have listened to you. She should've died screaming." She spat.

"She's dead, like her son, her grandchildren, her whole house." Jaime said. "And if we don't fine a way out of this war, we'll follow them."

"So we fight and die, or we submit and die. I know my choices." Cersei said. "A soldier should know his."

Jaime thought of Olennas last words to him about how the Raging Storm will destroy his love for Cersei. "Olenna mentioned something else."

"What more could she have said?" Cersei asked.

"Before I tell you, I have to know. What really happened when Davion left?" Jaime asked.

This surprised Cersei. She didn't expect Jaime to ask about Davion for at least a few years or ever.

"I told you before, he just left, I entered his room and he was gone." Cersei said.

"But he didn't take anything with him, I've been in Davions room many times and nothing seems to be missing." Jaime pointed out. "Not even his sword."

Cersei swallowed thickly. "Perhaps he wanted to travel light." She shrugged.

"Are you hiding something from me about Davion?" Jaime asked.

"What do you think I'm hiding?" Cersei inquired.

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