Final Trial

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Pentos - Two days before Blackfyre disappears

Davion was roaming the streets of Pentos. Guilt washed over him, he had lost so many people. Friends and family, yes he blamed his mother and brother, but mostly he blamed himself.

"Sorry mister can you help me?" A little boy asked Davion.

"With what?" He asked the little boy.

"My papa." The boy said. "They are hurting my papa." The boy ran and Davion followed. They arrived in an alley and saw a man being beaten by six men.

"Stay here." Davion said and he approached the men. "Hey!"

"Stay out of this!" One man said.

"Not when there's six of you and one of him." Davion said.

"You don't even know what he's done." Another man said.

"It doesn't matter if he deserves it or not, you're beating a man senseless in front of his child." Davion pointed out.

"It happens almost everyday." A third man said. "He never pays to sleep here so we take our money by beating him bloody."

This broke Davions heart. He knew that poor people and have always been stepped on by the rich, but for as long as Davion lived he would do is best to stop then.

"I'll say it once, walk away or I'll have no choice but to fight you." Davion said. Instead of speaking one man rushed to Davion with a knife and Davion quickly disarmed him and hit him with the pommel of his knife. The rest of the men stepped back from the man that they were beating. "I don't want to kill you, but I will so go now to avoid avoid your deaths." The rest of the men ran without hesitation and Davion helped up the beaten man.

"Thank you." The man said and his son ran to him and hugged him.

"Come let me take you to my home." Davion then walked to the home where the priests left him. He then tended to the man's wounds.

"What is your name, boy?" The man asked.

"Davion. Davion Baratheon." He said.

"I'm Asher, and this is my son Rain." He said.

"Rain?" Davion inquired.

"It was a raining night when his mother gave her life giving birth to him." Asher said. "I suppose it was the first name that I thought of."

"I'm sorry for your loss." Davion offered his condolences.

"Thank you." Asher said. "If you don't mind me asking. Why did you help us?"

"Because it was the right thing to do." Davion said.

"That's all, nothing else?" He asked.

Davion sighed. "I believe you do what's right because it's right and that's the only reason that you need."

"Thank you, Davion." Asher said.

"You and your son can stay here for as long as you need." Davion said. "I'll be back shortly."

"Thank you Davion." Asher said as Davion helped him lay down on the bed.

Kings Landing

Black cells

Cersei Lannister was locked in the black cells as she felt that she was betrayed by the High Sparrow and faith militant which she had created. She was only there for a week, but she felt as if she was losing her mind.

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