the magic of christmas eve

588 40 6

24th december, 2004

Mónaco, Monte-Carlo, France

Mónaco, Monte-Carlo, France

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The sound of cheerful chatter and children's laughter filled the chalet as Jules, Camille, and Elise joined the Leclerc family for a festive Christmas Eve celebration. 

The aroma of hot cocoa and freshly baked cookies wafted through the air, creating an atmosphere that warmed the hearts of everyone present.

As the kids, Charles and Elise, started wondering their presents, their excitement was contagious. Jules and Hervé exchanged amused glances, remembering about the simple joy of unwrapping gifts. 

"Camille, can you believe they're growing up so fast? It feels like just yesterday when we were the ones tearing through presents."

"Time flies, love. But seeing their faces light up like this it's priceless." She said with a smile on her face.

A bit later, the kids were busy building snowmen and engaging in playful snowball fights. Camille watched them from the window, and she started capturing the precious moments on her camera.

"Elise, Charles, make sure your snowman has the coolest racing helmet! We'll have a contest!" She screamed.

"Els, isn't this the coolest Christmas ever? Look at all this snow!"

"It's like a fairy tale! Do you think we could build the biggest snowman ever?" She giggled.

"Absolutely! And we can give it a racing helmet, just like my dad's."

"Let's do it then!"

Both kids got to work, their little hands shaping the snow into a round base for the snowman. Ellie shared stories about his dad's racing adventures, weaving a magical tale of speed and excitement.

"My dad wears a special helmet when he races. It's like his superhero mask."

"A superhero mask? That's so cool! What do you think that it's the worst part of having a dad who is a race driver Els?"

"Well, it's fun, but sometimes it's a bit scary too. I worry about him when he's out on the track. But he says racing makes him happy, so I want to be happy for him too."

"Daddies are like that, aren't they? They have these things they love, and we want them to be happy."

"Exactly, charlie! What's your dad's favorite thing?"

"Apart from spending time with me, I think it's racing too. He says the sound of the engines is like music to him."

"Wow, that's so cool! Maybe one day, we can watch a race together."

"That would be amazing... And maybe our snowman can be a racer too, with a helmet and everything." She thought.

As they continued to build their snowman, the kids laughter echoed in the quiet night, creating a soundtrack of pure joy. The snowflakes continued to fall, settling on their winter creation.

"There! Our snowman is ready for the race. What should we name him?"

"How about 'Snowy Speedster'? He's the fastest snowman in the world!"

"Perfect! Snowy Speedster it is. And he's got the coolest helmet, just like our dads." Charles laughed.

Elise turned around to look at Charles, and she hugged him really tight, worrying that he could vanish away.

"Charles, this is the best Christmas ever. Thank you for being my friend."

He hugged her back.

"Thank you, Els. I'm really glad we're friends too. Merry Christmas!"

Back inside, the parents, with the help of some magical Christmas elves (aka grandparents), transformed the living room into a festive haven. 

Elise and Charles, rosy-cheeked from their outdoor adventures, entered to find a twinkling Christmas tree.

"Wow, Daddy, it's like a winter fairy tale in here!" Elise gasped.

"And it's not even over yet, Sunny! There's more magic to come."

Camille, with a mischievous grin, handed out jingle bells to the kids, initiating a dance party in the living room.

 The festive tunes filled the air as Elise and Charles twirled around, their laughter harmonizing with the joyful jingles. 

Santa had left a pair of teddy bears under the tree, they both complemented each other, they had matching sweaters and tiny helmets.

"Look, Charles! Our teddy bears are friends, just like us!"

"And look, my teddy has a need for speed, just like me!"

The parents chuckled, realizing that the teddy bears had become instant friends, just like their kids. As they sat around the dinner table, the conversation shifted to favorite Christmas memories. 

The parents shared stories of their own childhood traditions, and the children listened with fascination.

"I remember, Jules, how your family used to sing carols around the piano. Maybe it's time to bring out the musical talent in our little ones?" Camille asked.

"Let's create some new traditions for these young racers..."

The Leclercs and the Bianchis exchanged heartfelt goodbyes, the snowflakes dancing in the night as a reminder of the enchanting evening. 

Elise, her hand in her father's, turned for one last glance at Charles, waving with a promise to meet again soon.

As the Bianchi family drove away through the snow-covered streets, Elise gazed out of the car window, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Snowy Speedster, we had the best Christmas ever. I can't wait to tell Mommy and Daddy all about it." She whispered.

Inside the Leclercs' house, Charles stood by the window, watching the lights of the car disappear into thesnowy night. Hervé, feeling his son's emotions, placed a comforting hand on Charles' shoulder.

"Christmas has a way of bringing people together, creating memories that last a lifetime."

"It really does, Dad. I'm glad we could share it with the Bianchi's." The kid nodded.

Back at their home, Elise excitedly recounted the adventures of the day to her parents. 

Jules and Camille listened with smiles, the stories of Snowy Speedster and the gingerbread race car filling their hearts with warmth.

"Sounds like you and Charles had quite the Christmas adventure, Sunny. I'm so happy you had a great time." Jules said while he patted his daughter's hair.

"It was the best, Daddy! Can we build a snowman like Snowy Speedster next year too?"

"Absolutely, my little racing star. Every Christmas will be a special adventure for us."

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