Chapter Seven

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Two hours later...

Everything was perfect. Their daughter was perfect and healthy, as was Rachel. Eddie couldn't believe their little girl was finally here, after waiting so long.

Eddie sat in the chair beside the hospital bed, holding Rachel's hand as she slept peacefully. The minute they'd got into the ambulance, Rachel had fallen asleep, with their daughter lying contentedly on her chest. She was exhausted, and he wasn't surprised.

As he sat, watching them, the little girl, who was resting in the hospital crib, started to whimper lightly. Eddie shot up, walking over to the other side of the bed. He lifted the baby girl carefully into his arms. Her whimpering stopped instantly.

"Hello, little one" he whispered, kissing her forehead gently

He couldn't get over just how beautiful she was, and how much she looked like Rachel. She was almost a mirror image of her Mother. From her deep, brown eyes, to the shape of her nose and lips. She was perfect.

"You just wanted a cuddle with Daddy, didn't you?" He smiled, rocking the little girl gently in his arms

The baby grunted in response, her eyes closing slowly. Eddie chuckled.

He sat down in the chair again, watching as Rachel's eyes started to flutter open slowly. She turned her head, smiling at the sight in front of her.

"Is she ok?" She asked sleepily

"She's fine, love" Eddie nodded

Rachel smiled, staring at the little girl lovingly.

Eddie stood up, moving to sit on the bed beside her. Rachel curled into his chest as he wrapped an arm around her, resting her head on his shoulder. She placed a hand on her daughter's arm, rubbing it gently with her thumb.

"How are you feeling?" Eddie asked her

"A little sore and tired, but I'm ok. She's worth it" she whispered, smiling contentedly at the little girl in Eddie's arms

"She's perfect, and you did great" Eddie agreed, placing a kiss in Rachel's hair

"I wouldn't have got through it without you" she told him

He smiled, pulling her closer to him.

"I love you" she mumbled tiredly

"I love you too" he responded

The little girl in Eddie's arms started to wail loudly. Eddie passed her to Rachel gently.

"Shhh, shh, it's alright, darling" Rachel whispered to her, kissing her cheek

The baby settled immediately in her arms, staring up at her Mother. Rachel was entranced by her. She'd never felt love like it before. Her heart was threatening to explode as she continued to gaze at the little girl in her arms.

"I love her so much" Rachel whispered, her eyes welling up with tears as she kissed her again

Eddie smiled, stroking the baby's cheek.

"Me too"

"She needs a name" Rachel said, rocking the baby in her arms

Rachel was right. Their little girl needed a name. They hadn't decided on one yet. They had a short list of girl's names that they liked, but they had wanted to wait until she had been born before they picked a name. Now she was here, they could.

"What were you thinking?" Eddie asked, placing a hand on her shoulder

Rachel looked down at the little girl, who was half asleep in her arms. Rachel hadn't been sure if she would know her daughter's name as soon as she looked at her, like some people had told her she would. But she did know. The name came to her the second the paramedic put the baby in her arms.

"What about... Grace?" She suggested, looking at Eddie curiously

Eddies face lit up with a smile. It hadn't been on their list, but he loved it.

"It's perfect" he nodded

Rachel beamed, staring down at their little one.

"Hello, Grace" she smiled 

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