Chapter Six

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Another hour had gone by, and things were progressing rapidly. Quicker than either Eddie or Rachel had expected.

Rachel was in a significant amount of pain now, and it was only getting worse. The contractions were back to back and relentless. Rachel barely had chance to catch her breath. As soon as one contraction finished, another immediately began.

Eddie was panicking. He knew they needed to get to the hospital soon. They couldn't keep putting it off.

He cringed as Rachel let out another loud cry of pain. She was kneeling by the bed, her head and arms resting on the mattress as she shifted uncomfortably. Eddie walked over to her, crouching down beside her to rub her back. He pushed her damp hair away from her face, placing a soft kiss on her sweaty forehead. She glanced at him painfully, silently pleading with him to make it stop.

"You're doing amazing" he reassured

She shook her head, moaning tiredly

"I can't do it anymore" she whispered breathlessly

"You can, it's almost over, Rach" he promised

She groaned painfully as another contraction hit. Eddie offered her his hand, which she took, squeezing it as she screamed and cried out in agony. She wanted to give up. The pain was too much, it was more intense than she'd ever expected. It was pain she'd never experienced before. Her whole body shook as it took over every ounce of her being. It was paralysing and excruciating. She wanted it to stop, she wanted to give in and let it finish her off. But she wasn't going to, she couldn't. Because she knew at the end of all of this, her baby girl would be in her arms and it would all be worth it. That was what was keeping her going, knowing that she and Eddie would soon be meeting their little girl.

"I think we need to get you to hospital, Rach, now" Eddie said, pulling her from her thoughts

She nodded. It wouldn't be long now. She was ready.

With Eddie's help, she got to her feet. She held onto him tightly. Her legs were trembling so violently, she was certain they would give way any minute.

They made it out onto the landing, Rachel stopping as another contraction hit her full force. She gripped the stair railing tightly as she cried out in pain. Eddie's heart threatened to break in two as she let out a painful scream. He rubbed his hand up and down her back as she breathed heavily.

"Please make it stop, I can't- Aaaahhhh!!!" She whimpered, holding the bottom of her stomach

"It's alright, Rach. You're doing brilliantly" Eddie soothed

She groaned, burying her head in his chest. Eddie took her hands into his own, guiding her slowly down the stairs. Rachel whimpered in protest, every step increasing her discomfort. Eddie wrapped her arm around his shoulder, scooping her into his arms and carrying her the rest of the way.

"I need my hospital bag, it's in the living room" she told him when they got into the hallway

Eddie nodded, putting her down carefully. She leaned against the wall, holding her stomach as another contraction started to build. She felt a pressure growing in between her legs. It had been there during the last few contractions, and, if she was honest, it was getting harder to ignore.

The contraction reached its peak. Rachel cried out painfully, sliding down the wall and onto the floor.

Eddie dashed back into the hallway, the hospital bag resting on his shoulder. He kneeled down beside her, placing a hand on her arm gently. She looked at him painfully, her breathing heavy and rapid.

The next contraction came instantly. Rachel screamed, reaching blindly for Eddie's hand. She found it, squeezing it tightly. She couldn't ignore the pressure in-between her legs anymore, it was unbearable now. She knew what that meant and it scared her. Suddenly she wasn't sure if she was going to make it to the hospital.

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