Chapter Eight

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One week later...

It had been a week since Grace's birth. Things had been blissfully perfect. Grace was a handful, especially at night time, but she was absolutely beautiful and 100% worth it. Eddie and Rachel were completely besotted with their baby girl. Being parents was everything Eddie and Rachel could have dreamed of and more. Rachel was loving being a Mother and getting to spend so much time with Grace. She had thought she would miss work whilst she was on maternity leave, but, to her surprise, she didn't.

Eddie pulled up on the driveway, practically leaping out of the car and into the house. He had, had his first day back at work today. Whilst he had enjoyed it, he had missed Rachel and Grace a little too much. Leaving them this morning had been difficult. So he was happy to be home, even if they were heading out in just a few moments.

"Rach? Are you ready to go?" Eddie called from the hallway, placing his bag down

"Just a second!" She called back

Eddie wandered into the living room. He smiled as he watched Rachel gently strapping a sleeping Grace into her car seat. She looked up, smiling at him.

"Hey" he smiled, walking over to her

"Hi" she replied, her face lighting up with a smile as Eddie leaned in to kiss her

"Is she ok?" He asked, looking at Grace

Rachel nodded

"She's just had a bottle, so she should sleep for the next couple of hours" she told him

Eddie smiled, gazing lovingly at Grace. He loved his little girl so much. Just as much as he loved Rachel.

"How was your first day back?" She asked

"Good. I missed you both though" he told her

She giggled

"We missed you too"

Eddie smiled

"Are you ready to go?" He asked, taking the car seat

She nodded, standing up slowly. She was looking forward to this evening. They were heading to Waterloo Road to watch The Nativity, and to introduce Grace to everyone. Rachel was excited to see what the students had been up to with this play, and to see everyone of course. She had been cooped up in the house for the last six days with Grace, recovering from the birth. Whilst she'd been happy to rest and spend time with her baby girl, she was itching to get out of the house for a bit and to show Grace off.

Once Rachel had got her shoes and coat on, they headed out to the car. Eddie strapped Grace's car seat into the back seat, before joining Rachel in the front of his Land Rover.

"You ready?" he asked

Rachel nodded

They drove the familiar route to Waterloo Road, Eddie parking in his usual space.

"It feels weird being back here so soon" Rachel mumbled, staring at the school building

"I thought you'd be desperate to come back!" Eddie chuckled

"So did I, but I'm not. I've got my hands full with something even better" she smiled, turning to look at Grace, who was still asleep in her car seat

Eddie smiled back, kissing her cheek gently.

"Come on, we'll be late" he said, jumping out of the car

Grace's car seat in hand, Eddie and Rachel walked hand in hand into the school building. The second they entered, various students skipped over to Rachel, chattering away to her excitedly as they fussed over the baby. Eddie smiled. The kids had missed her more than they'd missed him, and he was fine with that.

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