Wake Up Call

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   I stopped in the middle of the stairs and quietly listened to what Diana was saying.
   "Wait, they're dead...?" She said, "That can't be possible. They were so careful. They were clean in doing everything! They left no tracks behind and you're telling me that they died?! They were the best! How.. When..?!" She started to say.

   "I'm sorry. We all thought this day would never come. Please give my regards to their... Daughter." The strange woman patted Diana on the shoulder. "I'm really am sorry." She said one last time before she went out the door, leaving only silence to stay.

   I was very confused. Many questions popped into my head that overpowered my previous thoughts. I continued to walk down the stairs, only to meet Diana's shocked eyes.

   "What was that all about?!" I asked, still having countless questions fill my head.

   "I think you should sit down." She said with a concerned face.

   I sat on the couch while she stood up. Her thoughts were running wild. I could tell by the way she kept pacing the room and running her hands through her already unruly hair.

"Is it really that bad? If it's about me, they're lying! I did nothing that was against the rules. I don't think I did..." I frantically explained.

Diana looked up while biting her nails, trying preparing the words to slip out of her mouth. She finally stopped pacing and sat down next to me.

   "I have some bad news... It's about your seers." She said.

   "Okay, what about them?" I  nonchalantly asked.

   "You know the mission they went on with the other troops? They were supposed to come back with information about the rebel group of demons on earth," She said. Understanding, I nodded for her to continue. "During that time, your seers formed an attack group to follow a greater demon so they could interrogate it. But the demons were a step ahead. They were surrounded by demons. I heard they almost killed all of them, but none of the angels in the attack group that day came back alive. The demons were stronger." She finished, waiting to see how I would react.

  I just stared down at the shiny floor. Not thinking. Just listening.

   "I know you didn't like your seers at all, but they did love you. They wanted what was best for- " She said until cut her off.

  "Then why the hell did they leave me here?! Why did they never want to talk to me or even communicate with me! They never wanted anything to do with me! And now that they're dead, you want me to feel remorse?! Well, that's not going to happen!" I screamed, letting out some of my anger.

  Diana didn't flinch, as if my outburst didn't even affect her the slightest. She just stared at me like I was a just another meaningless painting at a painting gallery.

  "You don't even care! Can I leave now?" I said as I stood up and headed straight for the stairs, not wanting to wait for her response.

  I didn't get very far. Diana was already in front of me.

  "Your seers did care about you! And if they didn't want to keep you, the council members would've decided that you were too different and that you weren't safe to be left alone. That's why they put you under my care! Because they cared about you! I know they probably didn't say that they loved you, but trust me. Leaving you here was the hardest thing they had to do. The decision especially affected your mother! So don't lie and say that they didn't love or care about you, because they did!" She said, taking in a deep breath.

  Her eyes were now filled with rage. She looked at me expecting some kind of  comeback, but yet again I didn't care. I knew that what she said was bull because no one cared about me, and nobody ever will.

   Diana searched for some kind of emotion on my face one last time, before she sighed and left me standing alone on the steps.

   I just stood there thinking about the past that could never be erased from my memories.

   I rushed upstairs to pack my things. I'm done. I'm finally leaving this hellhole they call heaven.

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