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    After school is over, I usually walk to the statue garden. It's been here for centuries and no one living on Angel's Garden has even tried to clean this place up.

   The place is full of old statues that have all of these heroic angels that went to the war against the demons that once tried to take over the world. Which of course didn't work, but on that day a lot of courageous angels' souls were taken.

    As you may know, angels can't die. The only way to kill an angel is by putting a demonic sign on an angel sword or another scared weapon and stab an angel with it. Then their souls get ripped out of their bodies and get cast down to hell to serve the demons in the pit. They basically become the Omegas of the pit. And if you rip a Angel's wings off with a sword laced with black magic, they instantly become human and fall from heaven. In my opinion, death sounds much better than both of those.

    I walked around the garden for awhile to clear my head. I like to talk to the statues, sometimes. I feel like they are the only things that listen to what I say, even if they are just inanimate objects. Having found a patch of clean grass, I laid down and finally closed my heavy eyelids.  I quickly drifted off into a deep sleep. Sleeping is one of the best things to do. Not because I'm lazy, but because of the dreams I have.

    I dream of variety of things, but most of my dreams are of freedom. Just me and my wings, flying through the perpetual clear, blue sky. I wouldn't have to worry about anything! Not having to live up to a unachievable expectation or having responsibilities. Just being free.

    Of course, I would eventually have to wake up at some point and go back to reality. Go back to being a freak, disappointment, and monster.

    Because of this pseudo-freedom, my dreams are everything to me. No one can take them away from me.

    I opened my eyes and found out that the sun had died down.  I should get back home. I stood up, but other than that, I didn't move. I saw my reflection in the blue river below me.

    My raven black hair was held in a loose ponytail, but some stray hairs fell onto my fair face. I stared down at my pale blue eyes with a thin gold ring around my pupils. Another thing that made me different.

    I ripped out my ponytail and let my hair fall down my back. I disgust myself. I felt a light breeze  caress my face as tears waterfalled down my eyes. Why can't I just be normal?

    I am beautiful, but beauty comes with a curse. A curse that can lead someone to find the darkest part of themselves.

    I looked at myself one more time before I punched the water and turned around to head back home. Where I am treated like I have a disease. 


    Last night, my guardian lectured me about being late and how I always have to come home right after school. I listened, but rolled my eyes every now and then.

    In the morning, I laid in bed because there was no school today. I read the book How to Kill a Mockingbird. By angelic law, I'm not supposed to read a book with such human knowledge, literature, and feelings, but I learned not care anymore. I stole it from my guardian's  forbidden bookshelf.

    My guardian walked into my room, slamming the door behind her. Her silver hair is in a tight bun. Her lips form a tight line. She is beautiful yet old, having possessed angelic beauty that all Angels have, but she has a huge scar that goes down her right eye. And yet, it doesn't make her any less beautiful than before she got the scar. It almost makes her even more beautiful in a way.

   People say that she had gotten it from fighting a whole clan of demons by herself and got that scar as a trophy of her victory. Of course I don't believe that, but if I didn't know her as well as I do, I would believe the rumors. She's a legend here, but she's not as perfect as people portray her to be. Everyone thinks she is so fearless and stoic. That's just because she has managed to build up a wall over her many years of living. But I am one of the only one people who knows her true self.

    "You little bastard," She hisses, "You stole a book from my shelf! I knew it! Do you not know the consequences if someone caught you reading that book?!" I just stared at her into her anger-filled eyes with a dull expression.

    "Of course you do! But no, you just want to make my job harder than it already is." She yelled. She snatched the book from my hand and slid it under her slim arm.

    "HEY I WASN'T FINISHED!" I said, trying to reach for the book, but only failed when she grabbed my arm and pushed me back.

    "I'm just trying to protect you! And all you do is get yourself in more trouble! I'm trying so hard, but... But you just never learn from your mistakes. I protect you and love you as if you are my own, but you never once showed me any ounce of gratitude." She said, sighing as she sat in my chair.

    She looked both emotionally and physically drained. Her gray eyes seemed duller than I had ever seen them before. Her hair was now a grayish color rather than her usual whitish silver color. She was the closest thing to a friend that I had, and I really needed a friend in general.

    Since she was assigned to me, we have gotten close over the years. I told her everything. And she listened. She worried about me. It was one of the things that I loved about her.

    She now sat in front of me, staring at me with solemn eyes. I reached forward to put my hand on her shoulder, but she got up and left my room.

    I had been getting in trouble lately. I did vandalize a lot of places around Angel's Garden. And whenever get caught, I had to say was a simple 'oops'.

    I got out of bed and rushed downstairs to apologize, but stopped when I heard Diana talking to someone downstairs and it didn't sound too good.

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