2. Just a Prank

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Managing to finally to get the envelope opened as my fingers were numb to the touch.

You looked lovely today
I watched as you walked all the way home
I watched as you felt me lurking
I watched as you started to run out of fear
The days are starting to get shorter
Now that Christmas is near
And when the first snow falls
You will be mine
Once the clock strikes midnight

What was even more thrilling is that the note was stamped with today's date.

Hearing a knock at my door caused my soul leave my body as it scared me shitless. I dropped the letter as the hairs on my skin started to stand. My whole body froze as I held my breath, too scared to move, too scared to make a sound.

Tears slowly rolled down my cheeks, leaving warm streaks in the process as they made their way down to my jawline. Not a second later I heard another knock followed by a familiar voice. "Y/n?"

"Chris?" I whispered quickly standing up, still very cautious not to make a sound. I looked through the peephole to see my friendly neighbor from down the hall standing in front of my door holding two mugs of which I assumed to be hot chocolate since I could see the marshmallows piled on top.

My heart rate decreased at the sighting of a comforting face to which I unlocked the door for and welcomed inside.

He walked in, smiling from ear to ear showing off that cute dimple of his in the process as he placed both mugs on my counter top before turning around. He casually shifted his weight and leaned his upper hips against the edge.

I quickly shut the door and locked it back before saying anything, making him chuckle at my actions.

"If I knew I was going to be kept as a prisoner I would have brought more stuff." I saw him step closer to me out of my peripherals, bending down and picking up the letter I dropped. His eyes widened as he read what I had read.

A sense of comfort did wash over me with the thought of knowing I wasn't alone right now. I looked over at Chris who still had the letter in his hands.

If I wasn't mistaken he looked very calm while my nerves were still shot. Maybe since the letter wasn't addressed to him he doesn't have that fear hanging over him.

Next thing I knew, he slammed the paper on the counter making me jump. Ooouuu, jumpscare. Maybe I was wrong. Maybe he just has a different way of showing his emotions.

"Is this why you were running?" He turns his head to look at me with one eyebrow raised. His voice was surprisingly soft which confused me since he just slammed his hand down very aggressively.

I slowly nodded my head while biting my nails. "How did you know I was running?"

"I saw you when I was getting out of my car. I figured you were just running from the cold which is why I made us some hot chocolate."

Chris then took another step towards me, grabbing my shoulders. "It's sounds to me like this probably just a holiday prank." He shrugged as if I somehow was just misunderstanding.

As much as I wanted to believe that I simply couldn't. It didn't feel like a prank. My entire body was screaming at me that it wasn't just a prank.

Although I couldn't help but drop my head and shoulders, sulking at his words, it didn't help make me feel better.

"But hey." He lifted my chin up. "Why don't you wash up and I will put on a holiday favorite and we can drink our hot chocolate? How does that sound? Hmm?"

My eyes lit up as my mood was shifted. "That sounds nice." I gave him a tiny smile in return.

"That's my girl." He pinched my cheeks causing me to blush.

"Yah!" I slapped his hand away. "I'm not a baby!" And with that I stormed past him in the direction of my bathroom. Before I closed the door I turned back to see him staring at me with that cute dimple smile of his.

I frowned my eyebrows before shutting the door. "Don't take too long, our hot chocolate will get cold!" He yelled out on the other side making me giggle.

At his request, I took a very quick shower and threw on the pajamas I already had in the bathroom. When I walked out with a towel in hand drying my hair I found Chris cuddled up on my couch wrapped in one of my winter blankets just patiently waiting for me.

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