1. Easy Grammar

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✪One of the most important things when it comes to writing is of course, grammar. This is a common mistake I've seen and here's how you can learn the difference:

A lot of people can't really tell the difference between Your and You're, and it's completely understandable as not everyone's first language is English (it also isn't mine.) But here's a very simple way on how you can tell the difference, and how you can use it correctly.

The most simple way I can explain it is like this:
-Your: Something that belongs to you, or a possession. (Ex. Your books, your apple, your friend, your eyes, etc..)
-You're: A shortcut for "You are", this explains what you are, or what you are doing. Basically, most of the time it's used for verbs. (Ex. You're playing football, you're very happy, you're painting, you're talking, etc..)

Here are some examples on how to correctly use these words.
❌You're name is Sam?
(You are name is Sam? It makes no sense.)
✔️Your name is Sam?
(It explains that this is your name and that it belongs to you, you are not your name.)

Their, They're, and There

-Their: This is another word that describes possession or something that belongs to these people. (3rd Person, Plural.) Ex. Their bags, their hands, their shoes, their hair, etc..
-They're: This is also another shortcut for "They are" so the same rule as you're applies to this word. (Ex. They're going on vacation, they're driving, they're singing, etc..)
-There: This is a word used to describe where something is, basically the position or the place. This can be both used for objects and people. (Ex. I work there, my bag is stored there, he's waiting over there, etc..)

How to use these words correctly:
❌Their holding a bag
(It makes no sense..)
✔️They are/They're holding a bag
❌They're is my coat
✔️There is my coat

Of course, there's a LOTTT of grammar to learn but this is just the basics, that I personally think everyone should know. 🎀🎀

Btw, feel free to request any tips or anything you're struggling with and I'll try my best to write down some advice 💋

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