Chapter III

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In front of a hidden cave entrance stood a silver haired fox demon. 18 years had passed but it feels as if just yesterday he was running through the woods to get into this cave with his bat demon friend Korunue. "This lair will be filled with the most valuable treasure from all the 3 realms one day, ne Kurama? He can still recall the bat demons words while smirking in a friendly way. That had been Korunue's last day before he got killed while in their mission to steal another treasure from makai. "I need your help right now Bat." Youko whispered smiling at how ironic it feels to be here in makai, in his cave once again thinking about treasures, only this time the treasure he seeks is not for his own gain nor for its value but for the purpose of helping someone important in his life which he never had in his past Youko life. He walks into the cave and the smell, the feeling the memories all came to life as déjà vu hit him. He walked deeper into the cave, went past an indoor garden surrounded by a small lake while patches of sunlight can be seen showering the different colored flowers and at last he came into a narrow passage almost invisible because it's being concealed by a protruding wall of uneven rock. He walked for a couple of minutes until he arrived into a dead end.

Hundreds of miles from Youko's cave a demon with black wings lays on the ground in front of the skull filled underground altar. He can hear his rasping and ragged breath echoing all around him. The echoes mocking him, reminding him that he's all alone in this underground hell. The fallen demon couldn't move. Paralyzed with torn wings, the only part of him that shows life are his anger filled silver blue eyes. Torn away from his body he vanished into nothing more than a floating powerless spirit, he couldn't believe that his soul would be able to go back to his body after 500 years. "Finally you have awakened, and so have I..You can't escape me anymore."

Botan was fixing the hem of her kimono in front of the portal to Makai when Kairan and 2 other Spirit warriors arrived. She realized that this is actually the first time she saw the spirit warriors. It is rare to see them walking around the palace. Even while guarding the king they are hidden somewhere. She also noticed that Kairan seems to be the youngest of all 3 of them and he is the only not wearing silver armor around the shoulder. "Maybe his rank is lower?" thought Botan. She greeted them cheerfully and Kairan, like he did the first time bowed his head to her. She found it a bit uncomfortable but nonetheless gratified that he held her in such high regards. "Are you ready Botan San?" he asked while the 2 other warriors remained silent. "Always ready!" she said feeling comfortable with Kairan. They all stepped inside the portal and suddenly Botan felt the heavy cold wind of Maikai blowing on her face. It feels weird coming here in Makai with other people. She misses the Urameshi Team even though Kairan is not a bad company as well. "Maybe I can introduce him to them! I'm sure they will like him :3" Botan glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. His glorious golden eyes look alert as if sensing if there is danger around ready to strike if any demon decides to attack. She smiled to herself "I know he will protect me."

The oldest in the group who insist for everyone to call him "Kaichou oji chan" was the first to speak. "There will be a rainstorm coming soon its best if we run." He said looking at them with his good natured face. Like Kairan both of the warriors are wearing a kimono and a hakama but they have silver armor around their chest and shoulders. Kaichou started running, his blue kimono flowing with the wind, while the other spirit called Saijin looked up at Botan and Kairan. "I'll go ahead and scout the area. Keep close behind." He said mainly to Botan since Kairan already knows the team formation. Before Botan can answer there was and flash of green blur and he was gone. "He is the fastest among us." Explained Kairan casually. Botan was reminded of Hiei and she suddenly remembered that he is currently residing here in Makai.

"I wonder where Hiei is right now." She though as images of Saijin and Hiei having a marathon in Yusuke's school. She giggled inwardly and Kairan looked at her from the corner of his eyes. "At least she's happy." He thought smiling sadly..

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