Chapter II

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Chapter II

Kurama tried to make her still and ends up hugging here because she wouldn’t stop struggling. Botan eventually stopped and looked at Kurama straight in the eyes. He was shocked to see that there were tears in her eyes. “ Botan whats wrong?” he asked holding her at arm’s length.  She was shaking all over and suddenly she fainted.  Kurama sensed someone standing near them and he saw Koenma in teenage form which surprised the kitsune because the prince is rarely in this form.” Koenma.” Kurama nodded  in acknowledgment. He’s waiting what the prince would say and he’s quite certain that whatever is happening to Botan is something that the Koenma is aware of. “I’ll take her from here Kurama.” He stepped forward but stopped when he noticed that Kurama didn’t move at all. “Don’t worry about Botan, she’s fine. I’m just going to bring her back to Reikai so she can rest.”

“What’s going on with her?” Kurama asked looking at Botan.

“Like I said.. she is fine Kurama. She wasn’t feeling well earlier back in Reikai, that’s why I almost didn’t allow her to come here because she needs more rest.”

Remembering that Botan mentioned earlier that she ‘escaped’ from the palace and that no one knows that she’s in ningenkai tonight Kurama’s face became expressionless.  “Why lie Koenma? Botan never informed you that she’s coming here today. I also saw that you used your ring to make her lose consciousness just now so before I can give her to you I would like to know what’s going on.” He said in a low voice unaware that his hold to the deity had gone tighter.

Koenma released a sigh as if realizing that his made up stories wont get him anywhere “It is Reikai’s business but you should know I won’t let anything harm Botan.” The prince said in all seriousness.

Kurama decided to give her to Koenma. He carried her and walked towards the prince, handed her over but before letting her go “You should know Koenma that If anything happens to her you will have to answer to me and to the rest of the team.” He said with a seriousness that shocked the prince. “Could it be that he remembers?” Koenma thought to himself.   He did a mental shake of his mind and decided that it’s impossible for Kurama to remember Botan from his past because only the Blood Red Peony can bring back the erased memories of Botan.  He nodded and took Botan. The prince walked away and vanished as worry and annoyance filled the head of the kitsune. He hates that Koenma had to take Botan and for some reason it feels as if he is giving her up and these feelings confuses him greatly. After a few minutes of just standing there he finally decided to go home with a plan on visiting Reikai if he doesn’t hear from Botan by the next day.

2 days pass and he haven’t heard anything from Botan. He’s quite sure that if she’s ok by now she would surely give him a call and say something about what happened that night, and the fact that she hasn’t called even once means that there’s something really wrong with her. He is going to see her and find out what’s going on. It’s not only Kurama ‘s mind that’s made up but also the Kitsune in him who never settles to being denied of anything.  When he went to the Reikai Palace he went straight to Botan’s room and when he was about to knock, his demon ears caught the slightly loud retort of Koenma to someone inside the room who is obviously annoying the prince. At first he thought that the prince is talking to Botan but he realized that Koenma and whoever is inside the room is actually talking about her.

“She can’t be reminded of anything Koenma! It’s the best for her.” A male voice said in a serious tone

“I agree Kairan but how could she possibly remember without using the Blood Red-“

“Koenma.” A warning came from Kairan. “Never mention it. Only few people here in Rekai knows of the existence of it! Your mother never told anyone about it until before she dies and it will remain a secret because it could be a very dangerous thing if handled by an evil being.”

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