Chapter VI

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It's been two days since he came back to Ningekai but the annoyance that he had been feeling since the spirit warrior named Kairan disturbed him and Botan never left his system. As more encounters occur between him and the deity his infatuation is also becoming harder and harder to ignore. I only came there to see the necklace..but when I saw Botan my reason for coming have completely shifted to something else.I wanted to stay for her.. The image of Botan standing so close to him, her eyes widening in surprise was stuck in his mind, and he could see it every time he close his eyes. "What would have happened if I kissed her?" why don't you go there and find out? His Youko side thought, daring him. The idea is tempting, its just like the old times, him sneaking into a guarded castle to steal his price, only this time the price is far more precious than any material thing he had ever wanted, and he wants to be with her with an increasing intensity. He closed his eyes and tried to sleep.

That night Kurama's dreams are full of the images of the deity, only in this dream she has huge white feathered wings, her hair is longer and untied flowing around her. Kurama rolled on his bed with a sigh as he watched in his dream how she was caressing his silver hair as his head rested on her lap.

The day of the celebration finally arrived and Botan is so excited to be part of it. She decided to bring a huge bouquet to give as a gift to Rumiko, she looked at combination of roses, carnation, and lilies and smelled the bulbs closing her eyes. The smell of the roses was the strongest and suddenly the face of a certain red head flashed across her mind. I wonder what is he doing right now. Botan looked down at the roses. It always reminds me of him, beautiful and delicate looking but with thorns. A flash back of his face moving closer to hers made her blush and she jumped out of her reverie when she heard Kairan's voice.

"Your face is all red." He pointed out watching her in a brooding manner that he was trying hard to hide. There was something about him these past few days that Botan finds cute. He's sulking. But why? She noticed that he had been moody and quiet the past 3 days but she doesn't have a clue as to what is the reason for it. They had been busy planning on which village to visit next and making paper reports to submit to King Enma about their progress and she noticed that he had been a bit snappy even though it's mostly being thrown towards Saijin who was like a brother to him than her. When she asked him if he was fine she could tell his surprise and embarrassment of being noticed by the light blush tinting his cheeks. Kairan looked away avoiding her eyes and shrugged, stating that he has no idea what she was asking. She was amused by his act of innocence but decided to leave him alone. She nodded and started walking away when he suddenly grabbed her hand. She looked back in surprise.

"Do you want to walk around the garden?" he asked with a furious blush, his eyes still avoiding her. She smiled and nodded. Someone from the balcony above them gave a whistling sound and when they looked up they saw Saijin looking down at them while chewing on an apple. He wiggled his eyebrows at them with a goofy smile is on his face.

"Baka.." Kairan whispered. He looked more embarrassed than before as he let her go and started walking away. Saijin started laughing hard but got hit on the head by Kaichou as the elderly man looked at him with disapproval.

"Stop ruining the moment and let them be you idiot" He scolded but a knowing smile spread across his good natured face. Smiling, Botan followed Kairan, at this moment she felt as if she was indulging a shy little kid than the powerful spirit warrior who could erase people's soul.

It was already dark outside, and despite the possible danger lurking around the woods of the demon world Botan felt safe trekking the forest with the three warriors surrounding her. They insisted that she wear something nice for the celebration and Kiachou oji chan surprised her by giving her a white kimono with reddish pink flowers and a yellow almost golden obi. It was beautiful, and upon learning that he ordered it from reikai after being invited to the celebration, the deity couldn't help but give the elderly a grateful hug.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2016 ⏰

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