Chapter V

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To those people who messaged me asking me to update, I'm so sorry but I already stopped writing this story two years ago. I was surprised to see that some are still reading this and I want to thank you for that:). I will upload 2 more chapters that I wrote 2 years ago but never uploaded them since I did not plan on finishing this anymore.

Seeing your messages no matter how few you are makes me feel happy and I'm not promising anything but who knows I might continue this story ;). Hope you guys enjoy these 2 chapters! 


Botan suddenly stopped talking while at the middle of a conversation with the three spirit warriors, and it didn't go unnoticed by them.

"Botan san are you ok?" asked the elderly Kaichou wondering what happened to the lively speech of the deity. They were all planning on visiting the nearest demon tribe as a first step to make peace with the surrounding villages and making sure that the inhabitants does not start panicking, securing a safe transfer of Reikai officials to Maikai and Botan was at the middle of saying how excited she was to actually see a demon village for the first time.

"Botan san?" Kairan repeated while Saijin watched curiously. The deity has a nervous look on her face. Suddenly Kairan felt it, the air around them felt suffocating for a moment but before he could comprehend what is was it vanished as if nothing happened. He looked at the two warriors but it seemed as if they did not feel any changes just now. Botan looked around slowly as if trying to sense something.

"Oi whats going on are you alright?" Saijin asked moving near the window and surveying the area beneath them. Within the one week he was around the deity he knew that it wasn't easy to scare or intimidate her so when he said the sudden fear in her eyes he knew something was amiss despite not sensing anything.

Botan looked at them and seeing their confused faces she wondered if it was only her who felt it. It was a stirring deep within her senses. Not a physical feeling but a warning at the back of her mind and for a moment she felt suffocated as if an invisible shadow was trying to devour her. She looked at the expression on Kairan's face and she knew that she wasn't imagining things. When did she imagine things like this anyway? Something was up but what is it? Why can't the others feel it?

"Kairan san you felt it too." It wasn't a question she knew that he felt it too from the look on his face and she could not understand when he shook his head for a no.

"Iie Botan san, we didn't feel anything. You must be tired do you want me to walk you into your room?" Kairan asked, his face showing a look of concern.

"Botan san I think it is better if you rest for the day. You have been working nonstop for the past week! Don't worry I will personally tell the brat that you have been working very hard!" Kaichou told her trying to ease her obvious tension.

Botan shook her head " N-no I'm fine, there's work to do and we need to go to the village, I must have been imagining things being too excited and nervous to be in a demon village!" she said with a laugh trying to ignore the heavy thumping of her heart. The three warriors looked at each other and nodded at her. She doesn't want to be the reason for the delay of an important mission, and if they said that they didn't feel anything then that must be it "yeah Botan you can sense things even the strongest spirit warriors couldn't detect." she thought sarcastically. She looked at Kairan trying to see his expression but he was looking down at the envelope he was holding as if it's the most interesting thing in the room. "I must have imagined it when I saw that weird look on his face..or maybe he was just worried about me.." But deep inside the nagging feeling won't go away.

It was already mid-day when they arrived at the village. It was far from what she had imagined if she will have to describe what it looks like the look and feel of it is similar to those villages from the old era. Huts littered the surrounding with the biggest one at the very end. That must be the leaders house she thought trying to see the inhabitants of the small village. I wonder what he looks like. The only ones she can see though are 5 male cat demons. They were in front of the biggest hut and were holding spears at their sides. Botan noticed that she is the middle of the three spirits. It wasn't obvious that they are shielding her but she can tell nonetheless. Kairan Is slightly in front of her and Kaichou oji chan is almost walking beside her, while Saijin is slightly lagging behind. She feels safe and grateful for their kindness and protection and she can't help but be thankful that even if she is not with the Urameshi team she still landed on good company.

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