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Going unnoticed might possibly be the easiest way of surviving your four years of high school.

Well considering that you are a socially awkward 16 year old boy,that has a liking towards the same gender.

A weird boy that really needs to get out more.

My name is Devin Johnson and I attend Kimberly High School. Standing at the lowest social class with only one person to consider a friend.

I guess having an IQ of 150 and being a total nerd with the thick glasses frames to match, don't really help on being part of the 'popular' crowed.

Not that I would ever want to be a part if that group anyway.

It's just that awkward moment when you have absolutely no one to sit with at lunch, and you don't want to sit at a huge table by yourself, completely telling the world that you're that much of a loser.

That situation ultimately leads the decision of eating lunch in the back of the library.

I honestly enjoy eating in the library with my small frame curled into a ball, head stuffed in a novel.

Doing this I have actually managed to gain that one friend I mentioned earlier.

The librarian.

I know it's pretty lame to say that the librarian is my only friend, but I don't really care.

I don't care much to say the least.

I guess it would be fun to have a friend your own age that you can hang out with after school, or on the weekends.

Every guy wants some form of a guys night, with his friends.

That would be nice.

But I guess my whole pact about going unnoticed shouldn't include having any outside of school relations of any form.

Her name is Mrs. Jones.

I call her Linda, because we are on first name basses and all.

Linda is a 65 year old lady with pruned saggy skin. A head of snowy, white hair. She is truly the sweetest soul to have ever walked the earth.

Always seeming to have a bright smile.

She is literally so tiny also. Smaller than me by about two inches; only standing at 5'2

She's a big ball of sunshine.

The lady that gives me book recommendations.

Mostly the classic romance novels like Pride and Prejudice or Wuthering Heights; but I also believe that anyone can enjoy the beautiful masterpiece known as The Fault in Our Stars.

You might weak for reading and enjoying such sappy and feminine novels; but I don't suppose that i am I the position to correct your painfully true accusations.

With my small 5'4 frame, all skin and bones, and than powerful aura that screams 'beat me up', you would be utterly in the position to call me a nerd.

I don't think that I was made for protecting people, I was made to be protected in a way.

I guess everyone wants their happy ever after. Everyone wants their prince charming to sweep them off their feet, caring them to their castle on his white stallion, on to Happy Ever After.

Sometimes that dream may seem a bit too fictional.

Something out of a storybook. That's why we stick to the stories that read. Silently wishing that we were that poor maiden in distress.

In a storybook

Where all things a sugar coated, masking the sad sense of reality.

That's the exact point of hiding behind the monstrous mounds of paper known as novels.

I'm just trying to accept the fact that I may not have my happy ending that I so desperately want. A tall handsome prince wouldn't want a scrawny, nerdy boy, with absolutely no social status.

Lower than the janitor, lower than the old, rude lunch ladies, and lower than the scum in the Locker room showers.

I guess that I'll stick to the fictional stories. Putting myself in the place of the princesses, so I can have the prince all to myself.

Call me selfish if you please.

I just want my never ending love story.

But I guess that it's yet to be told.


AN:/ I honestly don't know if people still actively read on Wattpad, but I found my old story. I don't know why, but I unpublished it :( I really miss reading everyone's comments, so I'm re publishing it! I hope someone reads it.

I'm actually editing it when I'm re publishing the chapters. I wrote this like two years ago, so bear with me! thank you for anyone that reads this 💞

Love, M 💗

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