(✿)Blooming In A Facade(✿)

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As everyone begins to favor me, or so it seems, 

I feel like a witch's seed, blossoming in the night's dreams.

As if I've turned into another being,

More confident and fair, outwardly gleaming.

Not from within, but a facade I wear,

A beauty that's skin-deep, a mask I bear.

When you appreciate me as I am, 

Yet, when was I cute, deserving the world's charm? 

When was I beautiful, a reflection so bright?

I'm not asking this by staying still, just why? 

I am hitting you until you answer me. 

Because once I  know that it was all a lie

Everything breaks down, leaving me in darkness

A distant light beckons, just out of my clutch,

Praises like stars, too distant to unwind. 

Appreciation echoed, a melody unknown, 

Yet, I stumble through a space all my own.

Wondering if they seek more, unsettling in unease.

Let me sleep, rewind them all

Every time you praise me, it kills me.

Longing to sleep, rewind it all,

Find a moment of peace.



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