◉⊙Beneath the Shadows⊙◉

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In the shadowed alleys of my history, 

A tale unfolds, a mystery. 

Trauma, not a cure, yet a guide, 

A silent ally where my emotions hide.

A personal adaptation, a peculiar art, 

Weaving resilience from a wounded heart. 

Embarrassment's sting, a fleeting pain, 

Compared to past echoes, a gentle rain.

That day, a chapter in a silent tome, 

Locked away, wishing not to roam.

A secret kept from those who won't perceive, 

The depth of wounds that silently grieve.

In comparing scars, a whispered solace found, 

An unspoken language, a silent ground. 

Embarrassment pales in the shadow's embrace, 

A reminder of strength, a resilient grace.

Yet, in solitude, a cautionary note, 

For healing journeys need voices to promote. 

If ever the echoes grow too wide, 

Seek understanding on this emotional tide.

For in sharing stories with those who might, 

A healing balm, a comforting light. 

Trauma is no cure, but a stepping stone, 

To resilience, strength, and courage refined.


Embarrassment is a temporary and mild emotional state that arises from social discomfort or self-consciousness.

On the other hand, trauma refers to a more severe emotional response resulting from distressing or harmful events.

Surprisingly, I've learned to deal with embarrassment by remembering past tough times. Even though I've moved past those difficult experiences, they still help me handle embarrassing moments today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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